
Mar 22, 2007 20:51

These questions are for me from riverrocks.
Post a response and I will give you your very own questions for you to answer and post in your journal.

1. What is the most visually stunning (or surprising) place you've ever been? (and how did you get there?)

The Badlands. I went there in 6th grade on the first family trip with my future stepbrothers and stepsister when my mom and Dave had just started dating. We rented a van and drove all the way to Yellowstone but this was the coolest stop.

2. What is the thing about journalism that you wish more non-journalists knew (and/or understood)?

I have been thinking about this question for days and I'm not sure how to answer it. There are probably more things I wish more journalists knew about journalism than non-journalists. In general I wish people were more media-literate and able to understand how bias and slant can hide sneakily in stories in subtle ways, and how to identify that bias and slant. But that's kind of a separate issue from what I wish people knew about my chosen career. To the latter question - maybe nothing. We journalists are secretive. We're supposed to know everything about everyone else, but when it comes to ourselves, we like to hide and not have anyone notice us or question us or even realize we're around. That's the best way.

3. What is your favorite background music?

If I'm reading or doing serious writing, I usually like silence. If I'm looking up things on line or doing other work that doesn't require quite as much concentration, I like mellow things like Iron & Wine or Tori Amos.

4. Tell me about something you have discovered since you've been in Chicago.

Hmm... I have discovered the joys of Mexican hot chocolate - hot chocolate with spices, such as cinnamon, or sometimes even cayenne pepper. It seems to be all over Chicago, and nowhere in the Twin Cities. Except for Cupcake. They have it at Cupcake. I had it the other day but it wasn't very good.

5. What is your favorite thing to eat on toast? (or if, like me, you rarely eat toast, what do you eat instead?)

Butter and jam. Or else dipped into eggs. Num!


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