Jun 30, 2004 18:23
there are so many fun things in the news to talk about...dick cheney told a senator to "fuck off," britney spears is getting married, and iraq has their own puppet government now!
here's my question- if we handed governing responsibilities to iraqis and we have been training iraqi police forces, why for the first time has bush called retired and discharged reservists to duty? these are the resereves of the reserves that are being used. one weekend a month and two weeks a year my ass.
i saw the faranheit 9/11 movie last night with meghan. the line to get into the theatre was really long. i have one thing to say to all of the people who are protesting the movie because they feel all those who see it are supporting terrorism- shut up. if you haven't seen the movie you can't talk about it. yes, michael moore has his own crazy socialist agenda, but he still has the right to put all of his crazy talk on the screen. and besides, not all of it is crazy talk. i saw a lot of things that the so-called "liberal" media never aired. Did you know that Bush was the first president who was not able to make the walk from Pennsylvania Ave to the White House on the day of his inauguration? Not becuase he wasn't able to walk....but because there were too many protestors and they were worried about riots. Also, when the election results were being confirmed in the house and senate a group of representatives had a resolution protesting the decision because it was made by a court of Bush's friends and not by the people. However, in order for their resolution to even be considered it had to be signed by a sentor. Not one senator would sign it. These representatives, mostly minorities, were basically laughed at and told to sit down. And they were mad! (rightfully so since they were blatantly disenfranchised) But I never saw any of that on TV and I watch a lot of CNN.
One part of the movie made me cry like a baby- A woman from Flint, Michigan encouraged her son to join the service becuase it would pay for college (Flint has an unemployment rate of 17% and the natl avg is about 4%). Anyways, he was sent to Iraq and he was killed when his helicopter went down. Anyways, she read the letter that he sent her a couple weeks before he died and I cried... a lot.
a quote of the day came out of that movie- "if you have something to say to me, come say it to my face don't go tell the fbi on me and have them wake me up in the middle of my nap." haha