Mar 29, 2006 20:29
hey guys how are things? im fine, everything is pretty much peachy with me. the only thing big left to do in this school semester is to finish my english research paper and then go for final exams. then summer will come. it really doesnt feel like it should be summer already does it? my world is going FAST.
Im sure you guys are all wondering about this weekends tournament. last i heard, it will be at susan's. i will call alan tonight and make sure everything is still on. if we cant have it there, then we'll just meet at the solgolhacia park again.
Also, i propose another round of D&D after the tournament on saturday. if thats okay with everyone?
Dungeon Master Jesse, What say you?
so thats whats going on, ill make sure and update before friday night to let you guys know for sure what we are doing. or you can conversate amongest yourselves, it matters not. :D
See you guys later,
Your Fearless Leader,