Dec 20, 2006 00:09
BAHAHAHA ok so i'm writting my essay and watching Entoertainment Tonight and there's this story on about how Miss USA was going to be "fired" because she had been drinking undaerage.. and we have to remember this is the states, so her being 20 IS underage.. but seriously.. WHO THE FUCK CARES... this girl is being put in a huge conference where she has to cry and announce to the media that she had drinken a few times underage and have people tear her apart from it, have people from her home town tell her shes a disgrace (oh and on that point i should mention each person the interviewed was missing at least 2 visible teeth BAHAHAHA)... realllly now people... get over it... who hasnt at least had a sip of alcohol underage? people are dumb and blowing this up soooo much for no reaosn... ya... i dont know why i felt that needed a post.. but still... there it is.. americans are such fuckign dumbasses