25. The Catbird's Seat

Jun 22, 2020 09:49

1,187 words. Approximately 5 minutes, 56 seconds. Audio version here.

Well, it’s finally happened. The “For Sale” signs have finally reached my little corner of the neighborhood, and in spite of my best efforts, my husband believes that we, too, should sell.

He gives me reasons that sound all well and good on the surface. Reasons like, “We’ve got ( Read more... )

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Comments 31

halfshellvenus June 23 2020, 07:32:19 UTC
I tell my husband that I’m going to walk the dogs; he doesn’t like it when I go outside for “recon”

even if I don’t know their real names, even if I’ve only seen them through a crack in my blinds, even if they used to give my house the side-eye every time they walked past.
These ongoing spy-ventures and the paranoid abstraction on the current social situation always crack me up.

I'll tell you what's horrifying about selling your house: repairing, painting, sprucing it up, and de-cluttering. It's enough to make you want to live out your days without ever moving again... /o\


viagra June 23 2020, 16:28:40 UTC
Your reactions to my work always make it worth it for me. :-)

I am absolutely dreading the day when I actually have to put my house up on the market. We haven't even finished painting over the paint we inherited from the previous owners, and I have the sinking feeling that the literal moment we finish, we'll need to put a fresh coat on the house to make it ready for sale.

Or I could just be one of those people who never moves again. That sounds really appealing.


bleodswean June 23 2020, 14:18:33 UTC
Hee! You've got such a great voice for clarity and trust, it just pulls the reader in entirely and is what gives your writing such a thought-provoking aspect. This was fantastic - the paranoia! The confusion! The bewilderment! The desire to return to a simpler time.


viagra June 23 2020, 16:30:16 UTC
Thank you so much! I felt like I needed to give this character some more screen-time; I'm really happy with the way this whole little series of vignettes has been developing, and I'm glad others are enjoying it, too. :-)


lyssa027 June 23 2020, 17:30:22 UTC
I feel like this could be written about our neighborhood and neighbors.


viagra June 23 2020, 17:47:32 UTC
But Lyssa, it is about your neighborhood and neighbors.

*Twilight Zone theme intensifies*


lyssa027 June 23 2020, 18:48:49 UTC
I knew I was being spied on when I went to check the mail recently :P this proves it


rayaso June 23 2020, 21:15:50 UTC
Dog walking as recon -- what a great idea! Now I know what our neighbors are doing. I enjoyed this so much, especially the final question. The underlying tone of paranoia is so well written.


viagra June 24 2020, 12:53:38 UTC
Thanks! If I was a more paranoid person, I'd be paranoid about how well I can be paranoid. It's a fun word to say.


xlovebecomesher June 24 2020, 04:27:23 UTC
I tell my husband that I’m going to walk the dogs; he doesn’t like it when I go outside for “recon” LOL! I understand the paranoia of neighbors - some of them are quite crazy!


viagra June 24 2020, 12:54:27 UTC
For real!

Thanks for the comment; glad I could make you laugh. :)


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