x-posted in part from
technodyke I am *totally* freaking out about the trip today. I realized that, realistically, if I'm going to make this east coast trek worth its salt, I'm going to need to hit 2 countries and 18 states in 6 weeks... Toronto, CA and the two state row down the east coast. That's going to be a whirlwind and I'll probably have to cut out a few states, or interview less people in each in order to make it happen. I really need to get on the ball in the next two weeks and nail down an itinerary. Thankfully, those 18 states are all crammed together on the east coast and from the northern-most tip of maine to the southern-most tip of florida, mapquest estimates it's a 25 hour drive. So it's feasible. 2 days in each state. Less if there's only a few so I can spend more time in the states where folks are concentrated.
I might have to ask folks to come to me at a central point, and might need to do some group discussions vs. individual interviews to make the most of my time. Hopefully folks will be down with that. Honestly, that would be really cool - to provide an opportunity for folks who might not already know each other to meet in this context. Maybe some friendships/community will spring from it. That would be really freakin' great.
I think I might have found someone to go with me on the midwest portion of the trip. A very good friend of mine. We've already been on a couple of road-trips together - both of which were grueling for different reasons - one emotional, one still emotional, but more tumultuous in terms of weather-impacted travel, getting rained in, power outages, high winds knocking down 3 story signs, ick ick ick. And we made it through just fine with minimum grumpiness. I'm hoping it will work out. She's doing some serious thinking about it to make sure she's not insane for agreeing to it. (good question - am I insane for doing it myself? heh.)