(no subject)

Apr 05, 2005 22:39

Wow... I feel like crap right now.
Lately I've been thinking about friends. Like, I realize I don't have many, which is completely fine, but I thought about why I don't. It's sort of a "personal analysis", I suppose. And because of this thinking, I sort of wish I had more friends... when I really don't. ::shrugs::

But that's not the reason why I feel like crap. No, no. So the countdown is roughly 2.5 to 3 months until the "big change"... and just a few moments ago it hit me: I'll be losing the best friend I've ever had. Like, with Tom, things slowly started to weaken between us, so I was fine with things changing, but with Miller, holy crap. It's way too sudden, ya know?
This really f*ing sucks...

Well, in lighter news, school isn't going too badly. I should probably be doing my lab book for Peck's class... ehh. Burnett will be gone for another two weeks in Spanish, so now we're stuck with a guy who can't even understand the language let alone teach it; he's inclined to give us dittos in English about Salvador Dali. Joy... Everything else is just peachy. I think Taaffe screwed my History grade over (what a ditz, I swear). Everything else isn't too bad. I think I have a C+ or B in English (LARGE improvement heheh)... it's probably a B.

Trip in about a week -- I wonder if I can even go. I won't clarify, but I'm hoping things work in my favor. ::fingers crossed::

Guard isn't doing too badly. I agree with Deanna in that the show is great, but the uniforms... ehh... they need work. A lot of it.

Ok, I really gotta go work on that lab notebook before I'm screwed out of my physics grade, too

PS -- claire, if you don't like me copy/pasting my entries, then bite me lol

Update: wtf is wrong with my computer? Some times it shows black colors; others it's reddish. grr! also... apparently that whole "it's november 30, 2006" from my previous has been screwing with my recent ones, so I had to change it =(
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