(no subject)

Apr 16, 2007 01:05

It feels like summer at the moment and definitely not like mid-April here. Yesterday my car said it was 30°C in Regensburg (while driving, so not just hot tarmac and stuff). That's incredible ... but nice ^^
Yeah, had a great weekend for a change, lotta spending money yesterday ... NOOO, that's not the (only) reason why it was a great day ;), but I definitely can't resist some cute shoes and music equipment even less. I think I really have a bad case of GAS (gear aquiration syndrome). I can't leave a music store without buying stuff. Ah well, at least it's useful stuff (most of the times).
Yesterday was a party in Regensburg, too, the Tatort. Which sucked big time. It was cool in the way of meeting a lot of people and being wasted already when I got there, because I had the chance to stay over night at Angie's, cause it was my birthday. Haha, I normally never get the chance to drink when going out, so that was a nice change of pace there, although I overdid it *sigh*. I already had two beers and four White Russians before we got there and then the (deaf ?) bartender got me wrong ... which was funny:
One Salitos, please
Two Tequilas?
We don't have Salitos
(why it's on the card then?) Okay, then one Beck's Gold
... she gave me two Beck's Gold ... but who says no to beer, huh? Haha

So I couldn't really stand anymore, at least not without concentrating. But the party still sucked big time. I just don't get it with all the techno shit at most goth parties. I mean, I accepted EBM by now, even Future Pop (doesn't mean I like it though), but Techno and even HipHop????? ... So I spent most of the time outside talking and stuff.
But at least Beer and Vodka seems to be a good mixture ;) Almost no hangover today ^^

On a different note: Have you ever read Robert A. Heinlein?
Well, you should! I'm reading "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" right now and it's incredible. The writing is a bit weird in the beginning until you get used to it, as he writes in the style of a Loonie (citizen of the moon) in the year 2075 and they apparently skip all these little filler words there (like "the" or "these" and so on). His idea of starting a revolution is simply genius as is the whole idea behind the book.

But what striked me most is his foretelling of the (technological) future. The book was written in 1966 (!) They didn't even have electronic calculators back then, spare computers. State of the art were slide rules and electronical computing devices were just starting to appear. (The first real electronic calculators appeared in the end of the 60s/beginning 70s). But still his idea of the (conscious) main computer in the story appears real. Having in mind that the story plays in 2075 even the idea of a self-controlling, conscious computer is not that weird. Looking at the development (evolution?) of computers it might be a possible timeframe. Even some of the "difficulties" are real. The computer must appear as a real living person (on screen). The sound of speaking is no problem (even with emotion), the graphics are no problem, but to make it appear real with all the little tweaks and mimics takes all of the computers capacity, as the computer has to simulate it and can't do it by instinct. That's even kinda true now. The graphic power to make a virtual world appear real is there already.
I just don't see us colonizing the moon in the near future, haha

And one thing is strange. While he predicted the computer development quite accurate (aside from the fact that he doesn't see any personal computers or even laptops) the idea of cell phones seemed quite alienate to him as noone has them. He writes about wireless broadband, space ships, different memory types and so on, but there are no cellphones, no music players ... no personal carriable electronic equipment at all! (aside from the robotic arm of the protagonist) ... that's quite strange considering what our world is like by now ...
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