Long time no see, huh? Haha, comes from always saying "I'm gonna update tomorrow, sooo tired now ..." bleh, I'm lame.
Right now I'm really pissed off because of myspace. They deleted my band's account a second time and don't even bother to tell me why.
Oh right, I didn't even mention my band, huh? Ah well, so far we didn't really have songs to speak about or anything, so it wasn't really worth mentioning, but that's changing as we are recording demo material right now. Angie (a friend of mine) and I started talking about making music together about a year ago and finally started the project last August. It works quite well with just the two of us (while I begin to think my computer has a personality because of being a bitch sometimes, I don't count her (the name is bitch now) in as a band member ;) ). I'm torturing my guitar and programming the bitch and Angie's playing bass and has an absolutely awesome voice. So after long thinking about it we finally found a band name:
So ... is there anything wrong with the name? Yeah yeah I know that there's a metal band or something out there called "Hypocrisy", but we have like two words in the band's name, right? And there are other bands like Chinese Hypocrisy (G'n'R cover band) and Polo Hypocrisy or sth (just googled it, don't know them).
Why the fuck is myspace deleting my account? I actually could understand it the first time. I created the account in January and didn't really use it (no songs, no good pictures, so why bother?), it was just to ensure we had the name. I found out it was deleted and had no message telling me why, so I created it again about one week ago, changed the appearance and even uploaded a song ... deleted again *sigh*
I'm really starting to hate them. There are thousands of bad or unused band pages on myspace, why the fuck do they delete us? I wrote them a mail, let's hope they answer ...
On a different note ... I worked a huge part of last month just for some fucking criminals. Why? Well, one of my private websites was attacked by spammers or even more. The day when I shut it finally down, it was almost a DoS-attack
(wiki link), but then it was too late. I discovered the crap too late, because the main attack went to a hidden guestbook, that wasn't linked from the outside. I had it installed some months or even years ago to test it and forgot about it. Seems like some crawler found it. To give you an idea of what happened: on the 10th of March I had 11 GB (yes that's gigabyte) of traffic on the page - TEXT ONLY !!!
To know how much that is, just create a txt file, write lots of crap and look at the size. It probably isn't bigger than 10KB. The guestbook's page had 20KB.
Just get a calculator and look it up ... EXACTLY: this page was downloaded about 500 thousand times in ONE DAY! According to the log files not all hits to the page were directed at this guestbook page, some actually posted directly to the guestbook without loading it first, so definitely a programmed activity. These hits had only between 3 to 5 kilobytes. What does this tell us? 1 million hits on one day. On the 11th of march (when I discovered the crap) the attacking systems started downloading pictures every second (the same picture over and over again and it was just a part of the layout). I had 10 Gigabytes of traffic already for the day when I deleted the page entirely. That's 10 Gigabyte in 6 hours.
To make a long story short ... in total I had about 100 Gigabytes of traffic. I have 5 gigabytes for free in the account package.
So ... this little spam attack will cost me around 1.000,- EUR
Yes, I went to the police, and although they registered it and told me they will try to find the attackers, it's gonna be no use ... the IPs I looked up are from Russian, Asian and African sources ... *cry*
Fuck ... I didn't want to think about it again ... depressed now ... gonna waste myself ...
NO, not everything since the last post was bad, music is coming along really nicely in every possible way.
Aaaaand I had an absolutely awesome time in London! Thanks again to Bne and Barb for having me and I'm gonna write more about it next time, right now I'm too angry and depressed because of the stuff above ...