I don't use any programs to download music, so can't really help you there, but as for Livejournal and Jaws, posting via the web can be done, and is accessible, although I use, and prefer, a client. I use Semagic, and after you set a few options, it works nicely. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Make sure you have them uncheck the "use XP style menue option" you can do that in the view tab under options or just by hitting F10 as soon as you set up the program and are logged in. If you're using the most recent virson of Semagic make sure also, that you check off a box in the view tab that says "Tab ordder from file." It'll prompt you to pick a file in thelist of files to pick from just pick the one that says tab.iny or something like that. HTH I haven't ever used music sites so sorry I don't have anything for you for that stuff.
You might wanna try gnucleus, it's quite speach friendly, and I do have scripts for it, so if you use msn or aim messenger, you can add renegade_74@hotmail.com to msn, and renegaderocker74 to aim, and I can set ya up!
Comments 7
I don't use any programs to download music, so can't really help you there, but as for Livejournal and Jaws, posting via the web can be done, and is accessible, although I use, and prefer, a client. I use Semagic, and after you set a few options, it works nicely.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
I haven't ever used music sites so sorry I don't have anything for you for that stuff.
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