Hi all, I'm a member of the Lions Club here in my state. And I'm polling the blind community to see what they'd like to see either on the day of the fund raiser or before the fund raiser happens.
The poll is a list I've generated on my own and I wanted some feedback on these areas that I thought of.
As you know White Cane Safety Month is October 15. And most Lions Clubs are doing their White Cane Fundraisers on October 7-8. And if you know anyone who is sighted who'd like to take part in this poll may do so ONLY if they have a LiveJournal account.
Go to the link below to participate. All feedback is appricated! I am hopeful many of you will participate and pass this poll on to friends and family. Suggestions and comments can be sent via the two email links in the poll. Thus the reason for me disabling comments.
White Cane Day Poll