Aug 26, 2004 18:40
What a day today was. I had to drive up to Denton (45 minutes north of Dallas) to the University of North Texas (where I go to college) so that I could go to a meeting for my second semester of student teaching. It was all stuff that I've heard from when I went last semester when I didn't realize that I had to retake a class. (stupid science professor giving me a D instead of a C). Anyways. This time around we wound up getting the student teaching handbooks to give to our two mentor teachers and one for us. We never got them last semester. Well there was a welcome, then some important people talking then a guest speaker. After the guest speaker we went to three seperate "stations" (more like rooms) where they told us about the TEeXS exam (major state exam I have to take to get certified as a teacher), someone from the career center who talked about helping with resumes, cover letters, etc. (need to take advantage of this cause I don't have a resume yet), then the last room was of a panel (three people) from three different school districts who talked about the hiring process (very boring). Everything was the same from last semester. All of that was from 8:30 till about 11:30.
Last on the agenda was a meeting with the university supervisor (a person who will come in and observe me teaching four times, two in each rotation). I finally found out which school I am to be placed at but don't know what grade or the name of the teacher. I also don't know my second rotation either. That meeting was just telling us about how things are done. How we will be scored when observed, what we will need to have prepared to give her when she shows up, and we went over the student teacher handbook. This whole thing lasted an hour and I was supposed to meet a friend at Chili's for lunch. (Was very hungry. All I had for breakfast was a small fruit cup from a store in the student union).
Anyways. I went out and had lunch with my friend Amanda. I hadn't seen her in a while so we caught up on what had been going on. she'll be getting married soon so I won't get to see her much. So after a nice lunch we left. I made the 45 minute drive back and was tired during it.
Well I got home and decided that I had time to go find out where I am supposed to get my student teaching badge. (I need one or else I can't roam around the elementary school freely) Anyways. I had a general idea where the place was but somehow 1. I still got lost and 2. I wound up passing the place thinking it was a school. Luckily dad was at his office and looked up the place on his computer *hugs and kisses daddy* (Yes I'm daddy's little girl and I call my dad daddy still :-p ) Anyways, I go in and there's no one at the front desk. I see an open door and ask the lady in there if there was anyone working the desk. She said that the security guard should be there and what I needed. I told her who I was looking for and that I needed to get my student teaching badge. She pulls out the sign in book and looks for the page that I can sign. As we are doing that the security guard comes back *drools* She tells him that I need a visitors badge to human resources so that I can get my own badge. He gives me directions to the room while I'm signing in and tells me that if he's not there to just sign out and leave the badge there. *drools more over the blonde, buff, fully armed security guard who can handcuff me anytime* I go to the room and the door is locked. (took me 30mins. to find the stupid place and missed them in the process) I go back and the security guard came out from behind the desk *gets a dreamy look in eyes* oh yeah. um...he asked if anyone was there and I said no and that the door was locked. He said that usually they don't stay till 4:30 and to come back tomorrow. I nodded and went to sign out. Oh yes I'm going back tomorrow. He's so cute *drools again*
Okay I'm so happy now. Finally got my first rotation school, got to see a friend whom I hadn't seen in a while, saw a really hot security guard (I think he's a Richardson Police officer), and now I'm chatting with Andrew and I hadn't chatted with him in a while. Today was a good day. Wonder what tomorrow will be like.