Aug 22, 2005 18:08
It hurts to see the pain of family, friends, and loved ones.
It hurts to know that you cant help the pain.
It hurts to know that you have to stnad back, away from it all, and watch them suffer.
I wish i could help. But all I can do is be there to confort you.
To hear you. To give you hugs when you are down.
To wipe away the tears from your face when one falls down your cheek.
There to call and wake you up from you nap after a long night of sadness, confusion, and worry.
To me that is what a true friend does.
Always know that I am there.
To be your shoulder to cry on.
Your punching bag when you are angry.
And just a person for you to vent to when you need to talk.
I love ya girl, and im really really sorry about it all. It shouldnt of worked out this way.
But as a guy once said, "dont wish for something to be different because if it was different god would of made it that way"........Evan Mullins
Today was great, I had a wake up call from the person who makes me laugh, smile, and look at the stars with. I love to stair at him, just to see him smiling back at me. That is what makes my day.
I want to go to Africa. To get away from it all!! Or build a bridge to Australia.
Happy Brithday My Seton Parsons, i hope it was a great one. And I hope to see you soon. VERY SOON!! My love goes out to you tonight!!
Much love to all,
Ms. Heidi Barber