Aug 29, 2005 11:04
Ok, So I just wanted to do a quick update before I headed off of here. In case I didnt mention it before, my computer took a big dump. My harddrive is trashed so it is currently being replace with another one (that is significantly smaller. boo). So I am typing this from one of the lovely computers in the Mansfield Library. I got up here around 4 yesterday, moved all my shit in and then went to my sisters for dinner. Marie and I got back to my room around 9-ish and sat around there until my roommate finally returned. His name is john and he is a very nice african american man. hehe. Sooooo, Pretty much I sat around last night reading a book and watching the VMA's. I realllllly need to get my computer up here. I also need a surge protector. Hrm, maybe I should make a list. ANYWAY, other than that, nothing much has happened. I did spend a lovely last weekend with Marie at her parents house. It was mucho fun. Ok, I gotta go I suppose. I need to go check to see how much money I have and maybe I will pick up a book today. Maybe. Peace out.