Mar 27, 2005 09:47
Happy Easter. I'm the walking dead right now, I stayed up unitl 3:00 last night and I had to wake up at 6:45. I'm quite tired. But I have alot to do today, and I'm going to barely survive i can tell. I'm planning my trip to Chicago, and it turns out that Tyler is leaving the same time i am. Mabey I'll get a chance to see him who knows. I'm confused right now and feeling slightly voulnerable. I know that there are things about me that must change and I'm going to have to step up and do it. I don't know if its because I'm tired or what, but I just feel so exhausted and weak. I dont want to go to church, sometimes I can be such a hypocrite. I dont understand it. When I am anywhere but church I feel glad about my religion but as soon as i enter that egotistic dome...i change, I need to get rid of these ridiculous feelings.Mabey I'm just to dramatic for my own good. The sun is shining but it's still cold. This morning everything looked grey with the frost. This is not spring, spring is warm, as in above freezing. I have to get ready for church. Hopefully the obnoxiously loud music in the church will keep me awake.