Just had a rather long and productive discussion of the current game I'm running, "Kill the Dragon", or KTD, Mark II as we tend to call it.
Chatted with Lilitusama, and her in-game persona, Lilit, is currently without plot points. We determined that anything she does will generate them (including doing nothing), so we didn't need to discuss it after all.
I then segued into
Demonic Family Politics (What does an Angel do while shacking up with his EX in one of the planes of the Abyss, anyway?). Like I said, nothing was decided (or needed to be), a very productive chat.
To get into more background for people that are reading this because of a typo in a Google search, I'm not-quite-running a D20 (DnD, 3rd-edition) game that was supposed to be about the slaying of a princess, the saving of the dragon, and all that fun pretty-standard stuff.
That game has relentlessly refused to happen.
Instead, we have a group of unstable Characters (every sense of the word) who are attempting to take the entire game world, wrap it up, and put it in their pocket. Mostly, they succeed in this. Having used up (and spit out) a town it took me 10 years to realize, they are now rushing for the Kingdom's borders in a bid to escape any possibility of experiencing the main plot.
This is vastly interesting and fun to run for me.
This particular border in question is in an area that I've not used for 10+ years, and my notes, while I have found them, are on faded pencil, on torn pages, out of order, and seem to be written in an esoteric dialect of Chipmunk.
In many fewer words, I'm Fucked.
From Memory, I recall that the Kingdom's name is Sosaria, the capital city is Silencia (man, I was a loser as a kid, these names, argh), and a bunch of vignettes that are mildly interesting, involving the Guide's Guild. Oh, and some border-guard stuff that will be hilarious and last about 3 minutes worth of a 5-hour game session.
While I really should work on this game (and mow the lawn - maybe both at once?), I won't. So far I've done 0 work on this game and everything has turned out fabulous - why ruin a winning formula?