Apr 01, 2012 17:44
So my stomach is now a bit upset. The whole being ill for so long has every other issue taking on greater import. Super tired yesterday. Stomach-achy all night into today. So didn't go out and do anything but I am restless and wish I had folks to chat with / be with right now.
Having a roommate is great for my Libra-mooness but having her away on a two and a half week trip over the full moon in Libra is sort of woe-be-tiding.
Yes, I realize I could pick-up the phone and call people but somehow part of my homebodyness is wanting folks to magically know that I wish them to call, come by, hang out.
That said I don't know if I even want to talk on the phone or entertain people. Can not seem to read a book or a magazine. Limited attention to TV shows. Afraid to sleep now and not be able to sleep tonight.
Exercise, meditate, yoga, draw, a walk...all good ideas but I just somehow do not wish to really move. Could I get anymore contrary?