01-01: Results

Aug 14, 2010 23:59

Since this is the first round, I decided I'd award two people's choice icons and two mod's choice icons.

01-01: results
defaults (did not submit on time)


Thank you for signing up and please join us again next round!

people's choice

#11, with 15 points
*** Yukiko Amagi, who previously shared PC with Axel, has been disqualified and stripped of all her awards***

mod's choice

astrokittie's comment: I think that this icon is absolutely darling, and in my opinion it is the most inventive use of the lyrics provided. Great job!

astrokittie's comment: I adore the coloring in this icon, and while I wish that the font was a bit easier to read (maybe add a drop shadow or something?) I like how it is placed. I also like your font choice.

01-01: tallies
If there is a / in your tally, the number after it stands for the additional critiques that were not worth any points.
01. 5/1   
02. 3/2   
03. 2/2   
04. 2/2   
05. 0/2   
06. 4/1   
07. 4/2   
08. 3/2   
09. 1/3   
10. 4/2

11. 15   
12. 1/2   
13. 0/1   
14. 3/1   
15. 6/1   
16. 7/3   
17. 0/2   
18. 0/2   
19. 5/3   
20. 14    
21. 11/2

If you would like your critiques, please reply to this post with your identity and/or your icon's number. I will reply to it with a screened post, so please make sure you have notifications turned on.
I can PM or email you your crits instead, or I can leave them unscreened if you would like. Just let me know.

If you remain in the contest (which you all do), please be sure to keep your identity secret until you are either eliminated from the round or are declared the winner.

Challenge 01-02 is already up, and we've already received one entry. Please submit your icons for 01-02 here.

round 01, challenge 01, results

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