Greetings everyone. I'm really sorry for being away for almost two months. Let me try to explain what happened ("try" is the best word since I really don't know what happened). About to close submissions for
week 069 I noticed the post simply vanished (now it's back but I really don't know what happened). I had the original post and tried to edit before closing it... Suddenly I was logged out. Everytime I tried to edit or post something new I was automatically logged out for some reason. Amid this confusion I tried to post something here and over my own personal journal and yet nothing. I'd love to explain why this happened but neither me and anyone I asked know why this happened. I had to clear a lot of things and reinstall my internet browser to try and worked. Now I believe this won't happend again or so I hope. I'll be closing
week 069 and sort what I can do with the special challenge. Sorry again.