Sep 17, 2008 14:26
drowning in the shallowness of my current existence.
Helping naive ignorant students with the dreary prospects of every day life, and unfulfilling ridiculousness of our culture and the way we are currently running our society.
Seriously? How do we live like this? How do so many of us work in offices, void of sunshine, and life, and liveliness, and actual hard labor? How do we all sit like drones in offices typing away on keyboards and filing, and billing, and occasionally discussing the weather while allowing our customers to come and go like the drones that we are also?
I'm ready for the revolution.
My life, is completely devoid... of:
-Financial stability
-Organic produce
-Room to roam
-Any belief in a higher power, but also any desire to completely throw away the possibility due to the fact that I WANT there to be a happiness of the spirit or mind after the body has deceased. I suppose it was best defined in the lion king, your body goes to earth to produce more plants and animals for the next generation.
Enough of what I am devoid of.
I have so much.
I have a spawning relationship with my father and the family I have been so completely estranged from my whole life.
I have a wonderful younger sibling who I am immensely close to and hope to just become closer to as he becomes older and more mature.
I have a loving mother, who although insane and consistently in a heat flash, loves me dearly, always will, and always has.
That's all for today.
I have nothing else to say.