• Avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates as this is fuel for microorganisms especially yeasts
• Avoid preserved foods, especially meats (pizza meats, corned beef, ham, devon, bacon, sausage, smoked meats and smoked fish etc)
• Avoid moldy or pickled foods such as old peanuts, green potatoes, dried fruits that are mouldy or bitter and yeast extracts.
• Avoid long term use of antibiotic and steroid drugs.
• Eat plentiful fiber in the form of raw vegetables and fruits, wholegrains, bran, ground seeds and legumes, raw or lightly cooked sweet corn. This will have a “broom effect” and sweep the walls of the colon, removing layers of encrusted and hardened faeces, which harbor unfriendly microorganisms.
• Use a fiber powder daily to cleanse the colon - see "Fibertone"
• Follow good hygiene practice
• Use natural antibiotics to kill intestinal yeasts, bacteria and parasites. Natural antibiotic foods, herbs and condiments are cabbage juice, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), raw garlic, onions, leeks, radishes, fenugreek, gingerroot, hot chili, lemon juice, turmeric, mustard and rosemary.
The most powerful natural antibiotic for the gut is, you guessed it, RAW garlic. Oh no you say, not that again! If you can manage to eat 4 to 6 cloves everyday for 4 weeks you will be amazed at the creatures that can be eradicated and expelled from your bowels. Garlic is able to kill bacteria, parasites and yeasts. If you have a large overgrowth, even higher doses may be required. Raw garlic cloves can be grated, chopped very finely or pressed in a garlic press, and then mixed well throughout your cooked food and salads. It tastes nicer with some cold pressed olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Raw onions and leeks also have valuable antibiotic effects in the bowel, and if you cannot tolerate garlic you may find that these things work well for you.
Take supplements of Lactobacillus acidophilus (must be refrigerated), or use unflavored soy yogurts high in this friendly bacteria. This friendly bacterium fights the bad bacteria and helps to maintain ecological balance. It is particularly good after antibiotic therapy.
Typical herbs used to destroy and expel worms from the body are black walnut hulls, chaparral, cloves, liquorice, gentian and wormwood. A natural anti-parasite remedy that can sometimes be quite helpful is called “Intestinal Parasite Cleanse” This is a combination of herbs such as Wormwood flower and leaf (artemisia vulgaris) and Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra). Start with one capsule three times daily. After two weeks use two capsules three times daily for up to two months. Call 1888 75 LIVER in the US for this product or see the online order form at www.weightcontroldoctor.com. Anti-parasitic remedies are often more effective if they are followed by a purge, during which many dead parasites will be expelled in the faeces. To achieve the required laxative effect you can take 1 to 2 teaspoons of epsom salts with four glasses of water, two hours after finishing the antiparasitic medication.
The herb Olive Leaf extract is very helpful in fighting an overgrowth of yeast and parasites, as well as bacteria and viruses in the bowel, and doses range from 500 to 1000mg (of a 10% extract), three times daily just before meals.
Those who are frequent international travelers are more at risk from infections such as hepatitis B and gut infections, and although vaccinations against many of these things are available today, it is still wise to protect your liver and immune system so that they can cope with this increased challenge. Practice good hygiene, avoid contaminated water supplies, and boil your water. While traveling take a good liver tonic, garlic and olive leaf extract capsules to fight these unfriendly bugs while they are still in your gut, and before they get a chance to damage your liver.
Another useful technique to increase stomach acidity during a meal is to sip a glass of water containing 2 to 3 tablespoons of good quality organic apple cider vinegar with the juice of half a lemon added. Some people find that this practice really improves their digestion and reduces flatulence and abdominal bloatin
• Aloe Vera juice can soothe the lining of the stomach and intestines and is useful for those with stomach ulcers, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Occasionally people became allergic to it, so do not use it continually.
• Psyllium husks (or powder), are often used as a bowel cleansing fiber and help to remove stagnant waste material from bowel pockets. Like Aloe Vera, some people become allergic to it, so that it causes rashes and itching, so watch out for allergy symptoms if you use it long term.
• A fiber powder that does not contain gluten or psyllium is called “Fibretone,” and may be beneficial if you have constipation associated with irritable bowel syndrome, wheat and/or gluten intolerance, bloating or colonic spasm.
- Avoid sugar, alcohol, vinegar, too much fruit, bread and anything else that allows Candida Albicans to proliferate.
- Cut out packaged, processed and convenience foods which are jam packed full of additives, flavour enhancers, high levels of sugar and salt, hydrogenated fats and other harmful ingredients.
- Avoid dairy products which feed the yeast.
- Avoid fermented products which feed the yeast.
- Avoid caffeine it is at best a temporary stimulant and it can result in early fatigue, hypoglycaemia, excess insulin production, artery deterioration, potentially birth defects. [1]
- Avoid fizzy drinks which alter the pH balance in the stomach and contain additives and artificial sweeteners linked to various health problems including hyperactivity and depression.
- Avoid dried or canned fruits, which are said to worsen candida infection.
- Avoid products containing gluten.
- Eat lots of fibre rich foods, such as: fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds (as long as they don't cause an allergic reaction). You can also take flaxseed oil or oat bran and psyllium husks. Fibre aids the body in removing waste, absorbs waste from the blood stream and helps the cells of the colon to replenish and repair.
- Drink distilled water if possible, which is said to detoxify the body as it is believed to be purer than both tap water (which may contain fluorine and chlorine linked to certain illnesses and altered thyroid function, and softened water can contain high levels of sodium which can also cause health problems such as hypertension and swelling) and mineral water (which it has been claimed has minerals in a poor balance, often with too high sodium and fluorine levels, as well as dangerous nitrates).
- Eat lots of garlic or take garlic tablets. It kills off yeast overgrowth and is said to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure as well as fighting off colds. Garlic contains antioxidants and it has also been claimed that garlic may help to protect against stomach cancer.
- Use stevia in place of sugar or sweeteners. It is a natural sweet herb, is said to contain no calories and does not increase blood sugar levels.
- Drink fresh organic (if you can) fruit and vegetable juices. They are easily absorbed by the body and rich in enzymes and nutrients. A qualified nutritionist may be able to put you on a detox diet for a couple of weeks based around fresh fruit and vegetable juices. The Gerson Therapy is also based around drinking high quantities of juices every day. It is a very powerful detoxification method so make sure you visit a qualified Gerson Therapy practitioner before embarking upon a Gerson detox programme.
Supplements & Herbs
Taking digestive enzymes can reduce gas and bloating.
Taking HCL (Hydrochloric acid) supplements can aid digestion.
Take Aloe Vera Juice daily as it is said to have anti -inflammatory properties along with a natural laxative effect to help clear out the bowels.
Take Milk Thistle, which is said to protect the liver and kidneys.
- Take pre-biotic supplements (such as inulin fructo-oligosaccharides that are non digestable and said to stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria in the colon) and probiotic supplements- containing at least lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus casei (that are said to improve the balance of bacteria in the gut).
- Take glutamine a non- essential amino acid (the body can synthesise it). However if the immune system is compromised it is said that the body can become deficient. Glutamine is the preferred fuel source for the cells that line the intestinal tract and for the immune system. It has a vital role in cell growth and functions also as an antioxidant.[1] Lymphocytes and macrophages rely on glutamine as an energy source. It has been said that glutamine can speed up recovery of wounds, aid protein metabolism, increase growth hormone levels amongst other healing properties.
- Take a Barley Grass supplement, liquid or powder as it is rich in vital nutrients such as: manganese, potassium, calcium, beta carotene, B vitamins, Vitamin C, iron, copper, phosphorus, which are easily assimilated by the body.
- Slippery elm is said to relieve inflammation of the digestive tract.
- Blue Green Algae is rich in protein that is easily assimilated by the body and also high in nutrients.
- Peppermint tea has a soothing effect on the digestive system as does peppermint oil or capsules.
- Camomile tea is said to calm the nervous system, which can help you to relax.
- It may help to take some vitamin supplements, such as magnesium, folic acid, zinc, thiamine, vitamin B12, biotin.
- Marshmallow Root is said to soothe irritated mucous membranes along the upper respiratory tract and digestive tract.
- There are natural remedies to eliminate internal parasites such as black walnut, goldenseal, wormwood, red clover and garlic, which have anti fungal, anti bacterial properties. Contact a homeopath or a herbalist about taking natural remedies that can help with ridding the body of parasites as some of the remedies can be very potent and need to be taken in moderation.
- Liquorice Root is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and is used to ease digestive and respiratory problems. It is also said to have anti-allergenic properties and can help with skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.
Chew food properly so that your digestive system has an easier time breaking down foods.
Try a food rotation plan (under the supervision of a qualified nutritionist) to identify the culprits causing allergic reactions.
Always carry food with you so that wherever you go, you will always have a healthy snack to hand.
- Reduce your intake of medications (if you can) that may be contributing to Leaky Gut Syndrome (please note, you should always check with your doctor before altering your medication dosage, do not go against your doctors advice if you are on medication for a certain condition).
- Use natural, organic cleaning products, bath products and cosmetics. Many normal products on the shelves contain dangerous ingredients, for instance Sodium Lauryl Sulphate used in many bath and shower products first had it's outing as an industrial degreasant and garage floor cleaner. Bearing in mind that our body is said to absorb 60% of the creams, lotions and potions we rub into it on a daily basis we have to be careful what products we use.
Like any detergent Sodium Lauryl Sulphate attacks grease to help keep surfaces clean but the skin secretes oil to keep itself protected, supple and waterproof. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate strips away the skins oil causing dryness and in some cases much worse. A study referenced in the Wall Street Journal (November 1, 1988) linked SLS to cataracts and nitrate absorption (nitrates are carcinogens-or cancer causing substances). Many products also contain alcohol, parabens and other chemicals, which can cause allergic reactions or worse.
- Eat small, frequent meals.
- Only eat when you are hungry.
- Take up something that helps you deal with stress and aids relaxation: such as meditation, Reiki, Qi Gong, Yoga. Make sure that any exercise you do is gentle.
- Dry skin brushing helps to cleanse the lymphatic system. Dr Gilbere says to brush before taking a bath or shower, always brushing towards the centre of your body with one clean sweep for every part of your body.
- Try Colonic Hydrotherapy, which dislodges putrified waste from the colon walls.
- Coffee enemas are said to cleanse the liver and have been used as a detoxification method for many years. The Gerson Therapy uses coffee enemas several times a day on a daily basis to rid the body of toxins. Please contact a professional Gerson practitioner or other health practitioner who knows how the enemas should be administered before attempting to do it yourself.
- Get plenty of sleep. It has been said that most adults require between 8-9 hours sleep a night and many people get less than this. It has been demonstrated that lack of sleep can result in: a drop in body temperature, a weakening of the immune system (low white blood cell count) and a drop in the production of growth hormone. [1] Also , even if you don't feel tired try to go to bed at least before 11pm.