Nov 05, 2006 18:13
someone needs to make a movie about what would happen if we keep trying to turn the whole world, every country, into this one dominant society. everyone, conform, NOW! wtf? people. imagine. a world where everyone is the same, isn't this what your parents told you was a bad thing?
but then you grow up in the dominant culture, who tells you to assimilate and conform. and then you go to school, and they tell you to assimilate and conform, and then you contine your schooling, or get a job where you are a mindless zombie and they also tell you to conform. and at this point everyone is the same and there is no individuality.
why must we kill off the indigenous peoples and look down upon their society as trival and lowly? i hate you all. damn proletariats, i prefer the academic sphere.
and kayla please stop hating us. we love you. we just want to help. how could it be any other way?