May 05, 2006 14:31
i'm getting way into sustainable agriculture after reading all this shit. i'm so glad i'm taking this class its making me happy through this inevitably depressing term. i haven't cried in months. that of course is due to not being verbally abused by assholes anymore, but i have a feeling this streak will end upon return of my grades (ouch). Except in this class of course - go SOC! Maybe I will go into ecological restoration, I guess we will just wait and see how my field research project goes in June.
Does anyone have any good books on fasting? or good websites. I think i'm going to go on a fast. I dont know if I can handle a full 7 day fast - but we will see. I'm still reading through the "Natural Cures" book from Abby and its making me a little crazy.
I've always been weird about food as every knows, but its like now I have an excuse, and now I have found others like me, and if I go into sustainable agriculture and ecological restoration, I will go into something I have been doing my whole life I suppose - going crazy about food. Maybe I will meet others like me. Hopefully this project in June will be absolutely awesome, I have to admit I'm a little scared though. Maybe I will fast then. I can't be called some rich girl living in an affluent society who has never known what it is like to life without food and shelter. This is true, but 15 days of living outdoors and fasting might help with my psyche a bit.
Hm..... Obese people are stealing all the food from the starving people in 3rd world countries, that is my new opinion.