
Jul 29, 2009 12:35

Name: Vanja
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female

Describe your usual style!
I don't try to follow a specific style. I usually prefer clothes which are a bit loose fitting, but they inevitably shrink and become tight after being in the wash DX. I mostly wear earthy or neutral tones - white/black/gray and green/brown - and I'm not fond of make up or anything that would make me look too unnatural the camera does enough of that when it distorts colors. I do like hats and those fashion scarves, though... and I sometimes have to wear glasses if my contacts are rebelling.
How about your hair?
It has a mind of it's own; sometimes I wake up and it's naturally straight and other times it's wavy. I usually have it pulled back, even if I often take it down for photos.
Anything you usually wear that you would feel naked without? Not necessarily.
Distinctive features: Eh, well, I suppose I look like a strange mutt since I get comments on an assortment of things... everything from how "small and frightening" my eyes are to how my hair inherently has strips of just about every natural color in it to how I have "unusually strong arms for a girl."


Any gender or other preferences we need to know? Male votes amuse me more and are a little more preferred, but I'm fine with whichever.
Please list three links you have voted on recently!


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