Gah, this is I could see several characters fitting for you at times, but then not necessarily fitting for other parts of your application. Ed, Rachel, Charles, Louis, Rosa, Sidney, and Tony. I think I might be leaning the most towards a double-vote for Ed and Rachel though...even though that might seem like a strange vote given their differing personalities! Allow me to explain though! :)
I could see elements of the ENFP fitting for both characters at times, with most of the ENFP category fitting for Rachel in particular (though Ed can also be rather helpful towards others given his side-business and treatment of Kyle he kind of is pushing him because he feels it's necessary for him...though he'd never say that out loud given the oddness of their relationship, orz...and he definitely seems to require more "alone time" than Rachel is generally displayed as needing at times). Diplomatic definitely fits for Rachel (and perhaps Ed too, given how he has a business of helping people find lost items), and Ed has obvious issues with workaholism (and considering Rachel always seems to be at work too, maybe the same can be said for her) and competitiveness (which leads to his shouting matches with Kyle at times). Rachel can be described as charming, competent, and energetic (and Ed most certainly at least fits for competent). "self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective"...both Rachel and Ed are self-aware--and Rachel could definitely be described as being sensitive, emotionally honest, creative, and personal. Ed is more reserved in terms of his feelings (it's obvious he cares a lot for Kyle, but really is too stubborn to admit it)...can be moody and self-conscious at times, and withholds himself from others at times in order to not show his weaknesses (he really didn't want people worrying about him due to his health problems in Last Window). I would say that both Rachel and Ed fit into the Neutral Good alignment pretty well given their roles in the games. I could see elements of the Pisces Sun sign and Sagittarius Moon sign combination working well for either character at times too.
Ed shares your traits of sometimes being moody, competitive (at least in his interactions with Kyle when he's trying to push him to do so something, and in his drive to get jobs done), ambitious, curious (in that he likes solving mysteries), dramatic, and adaptable. Rachel shares your idealistic qualities, is rather curious, dramatic (if looking at some of her interactions with Kyle), and is rather adaptable too.
I think "introverted extrovert" could fit for both characters, and Rachel in particular could be described as an idealistic optimist. Rachel tends to be more of a follower, though Ed can do his own thing at times too given how he's running a side-business and seems to be doing a lot of stuff on his own. Rachel tends to give people the benefit of the doubt...though I could imagine Ed possibly saying something along the lines of "It's too tiring being cynical. Believe me, I've tried. ...I would hold them to high standards with that trust and if it's gone, it's gone." Ed and Rachel are both mature characters overall, but they can have a childish side at times too in their interactions with others (most notably with Kyle in differing ways, lolz XD). "Both. I'm independent when it comes to my beliefs, my being and my nature. I don't think I'd fare well being cooped up in a singular place and bound to a select group of people. Still, when I'm attached to someone, I'm really attached to the person (to the extent that I might be called clingy. Hm.)." could potentially fit for both of them given the almost-familial feel/dynamic the Red Crown sales agency sometimes has in the games. Neither of them are particularly more careful or carefree either. And they can be both confident and modest, in particular Rachel.
Voting Part 2 ...I write too much, orz! XDbreyzyyinJanuary 22 2013, 15:00:53 UTC
Oddly enough given that the games aren't really action-oriented, I could see Ed and Rachel perhaps thinking along the same lines in regards to the asteroid scenario. Given how law does play a role in Ed's story, I could see him somewhat in your future goals...and he does seem to want to help people who need it given his side-business, and Rachel probably likes doing so as well since she helps him with it. I could almost see Ed perhaps having a similar view on the "loved ones or city" scenario too given how he seems to be rather understanding of the thought processes of people and he did have a history as a police officer so he might have experience in the reverse psychologoy process no one way to really know for sure though, just a guess there. Ed also doesn't seem to warm up to people right away either.
So yep...there's my reasoning as to why I voted both Ed and Rachel: I think they both fit for certain aspects of your application when the other doesn't, and sometimes have some surprising common ground too. :D
{Sorry for the second comment though...I always tend to write more when I'm voting two characters for some reason! XD}
I could see elements of the ENFP fitting for both characters at times, with most of the ENFP category fitting for Rachel in particular (though Ed can also be rather helpful towards others given his side-business and treatment of Kyle he kind of is pushing him because he feels it's necessary for him...though he'd never say that out loud given the oddness of their relationship, orz...and he definitely seems to require more "alone time" than Rachel is generally displayed as needing at times). Diplomatic definitely fits for Rachel (and perhaps Ed too, given how he has a business of helping people find lost items), and Ed has obvious issues with workaholism (and considering Rachel always seems to be at work too, maybe the same can be said for her) and competitiveness (which leads to his shouting matches with Kyle at times). Rachel can be described as charming, competent, and energetic (and Ed most certainly at least fits for competent). "self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective"...both Rachel and Ed are self-aware--and Rachel could definitely be described as being sensitive, emotionally honest, creative, and personal. Ed is more reserved in terms of his feelings (it's obvious he cares a lot for Kyle, but really is too stubborn to admit it)...can be moody and self-conscious at times, and withholds himself from others at times in order to not show his weaknesses (he really didn't want people worrying about him due to his health problems in Last Window). I would say that both Rachel and Ed fit into the Neutral Good alignment pretty well given their roles in the games. I could see elements of the Pisces Sun sign and Sagittarius Moon sign combination working well for either character at times too.
Ed shares your traits of sometimes being moody, competitive (at least in his interactions with Kyle when he's trying to push him to do so something, and in his drive to get jobs done), ambitious, curious (in that he likes solving mysteries), dramatic, and adaptable. Rachel shares your idealistic qualities, is rather curious, dramatic (if looking at some of her interactions with Kyle), and is rather adaptable too.
I think "introverted extrovert" could fit for both characters, and Rachel in particular could be described as an idealistic optimist. Rachel tends to be more of a follower, though Ed can do his own thing at times too given how he's running a side-business and seems to be doing a lot of stuff on his own. Rachel tends to give people the benefit of the doubt...though I could imagine Ed possibly saying something along the lines of "It's too tiring being cynical. Believe me, I've tried. ...I would hold them to high standards with that trust and if it's gone, it's gone." Ed and Rachel are both mature characters overall, but they can have a childish side at times too in their interactions with others (most notably with Kyle in differing ways, lolz XD). "Both. I'm independent when it comes to my beliefs, my being and my nature. I don't think I'd fare well being cooped up in a singular place and bound to a select group of people. Still, when I'm attached to someone, I'm really attached to the person (to the extent that I might be called clingy. Hm.)." could potentially fit for both of them given the almost-familial feel/dynamic the Red Crown sales agency sometimes has in the games. Neither of them are particularly more careful or carefree either. And they can be both confident and modest, in particular Rachel.
So yep...there's my reasoning as to why I voted both Ed and Rachel: I think they both fit for certain aspects of your application when the other doesn't, and sometimes have some surprising common ground too. :D
{Sorry for the second comment though...I always tend to write more when I'm voting two characters for some reason! XD}
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