Fighting Game Tag Partner Application

Dec 14, 2012 20:19

Name: laura

What games would you like to include for possible options? (You may include up to two games or series!) tekken
If the games/series you've chosen were previous themes who were you stamped as? Would you like to disclude them for the sake of variety? (Matchmakers can count too if you'd like.) Asuka (regular) Steve (match). I like them but I'd rather disclude them just for the sake of variety!
Would you prefer a male or a female partner? Or do you even have a preference? no preference

Describe your personality:
I'm a friendly person, I can get along with mostly everyone. I also think I'm a very caring person, I'm normally able to make people feel comfortable in a group and I always put my family and friends first before myself. I'm a bit cynical about human beings in general, but still I care about other people. And I'm very adventurous. I have done a little travelling but I would like to do a LOT more! I love to travel because there are so many places and people to meet and explore, so many things too see and learn! And I'm always up for an adventure. I think I'm sarcastic and I have a weird sense of humour and I can be pretty mishievous, because sometimes I make jokes people don't understand or find funny at all.
I like helping others but I don't like people to help me. I like being in control, and I guess I'm a bit too proud at times and I don't like to show my weak points. Or maybe it's just because I like to handle my problems alone and I don't want to be a problem to others. And I'm impulsive by default, because I normally take quick decisions and many of them aren't right. I don't think, I just act. Instead of planning ahead what I am going to do. I think I am a good planner but I don't have patience.

I'm an ENFP. ENFP s are energetic and enthusiastic leaders who are likely to take charge when a new endeavor needs a visionary spokesperson. ENFPs are values-oriented people who become champions of causes and services relating to human needs and dreams. Their leadership style is one of soliciting and recognizing others' contributions and of evaluating the personal needs of their followers. ENFPs are often charismatic leaders who are able to help people see the possibilities beyond themselves and their current realities.
Positive traits: friendly, determined, confident, helpful, passionate, creative, original, intelligent, curious, adventurous, emotional
Negative traits: sarcastic, critical, impulsive, random, hot tempered, overly confident at times, reckless, mishievous, proud, revengeful

Think back to the last time you worked well with someone. Why did the two of you work? I usually work well with others, I can't remember a time in particular to be honest. I just had a a couple of bad experiences when working with others, but for the most part I tend to work well with almost everyone.
And now let's hear the negative experiences. Why didn't you two work? I had to do all the job myself because the guy who worked with me was incredibly lazy and he didn't seem to be able to do anything without my help.

The people you prefer working with tend to be more...
Mature or Immature: What about somewhere in between? I don't want to deal with someone who is overly immature and too childish but it's totally fine if he/she tends to have some childish moments from now and than.
Leader or Follower: If I really have to choose than I prefer working with someone who is more of a leader. But it's not really that important since I can lead myself if necessary.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I don't really mind as long as he's not overly pessimistic (I'm pessimistic enough for the both of us) or overly optimistic
Impulsive or Cautious: A bit more cautious than I am would be great as long as he/she's not too cautious everything is fine!
Outgoing or Shy: A bit of both. I can't really deal with people with whom it is impossible to have a conversation with and I am more frequently annoyed by introverts than extroverts. On the same time I'm annoyed with overly extroverted people and I dislike people who are way too loud and don't know when to shut up.

What kind of impression do you want to give your partner when you first meet?: Someone passionate, adventurous, hard working, loyal and determined. I would like them to think that I am someone who is mature yet have childish moments
...And what kind of an impression would you want to have of them?: I tend to work well with people who are hardoworking, passionate, determined and generally more extroverted than introverted ( I honestly get along with mostly everything but I feel a lot more comfortable when I'm with someone who has a personality simiar to my own)

What sort of fighting style do you think you'd have? Would you want your tag partner to have a similar fighting style or do you like a bit of a contrast from you? ...Or does it even matter to you? In fighting games I usually tend to prefer characters that use fightning styles more focused on speed and agility and I would surely not rely on brute strength since I'm not physically strong myself. If I really have to choose a fighting style than I'll go with T'ai chi ch'uan. For some reasons I like oriental fighting styles and I think this one fits me nicely ( I never tried it though, so I can be wrong! ). My partner doesn't need to have a similar fighting style, I guess it would be better if we have similar fighting styles in the end (I can't really imagine myself with someone who practicse Sumo for example!)

In tag-based fighting games, there's usually some sort of special team attack. What do you think your attack with your partner would look like? ahah, do we really have to? I guess we'll focus our attack of speed and agility. I'm cool with everything as long as we don't embarrass ourselves way too much! hey wait! I don't want a super serious special attack as well!.
Why do you think your partner would even team up with you in the first place? Do they just like you or does the idea of fame and fortune entice them? I guess they're already a friend of mine, we get along nicely and they liked the idea of working with me. Also they probably knew our fighting styles work well together so we'll have a good chance to win the tournament (afterall we're all here to win).
Would it be necessary for you and your partner to see eye-to-eye on everything?: Nope. I mean, we have to agree on important matters but we don't really have to agree on everything! It's totally cool if the have different viewpoints
So you've won the tournament... Congratulations! Do you and your partner stay friends afterwards, do you both just go your own way... Or were you maybe rivals that were putting your differences behind just for this event? We stay friends. I think we teamed up because we were friends in the first place so this experience probably even strengthened our friendship!

Are there any characters you don't want as a partner? (You may pick up to three characters.) Christie
Anything else you'd like to add? nope

You must vote on all unstamped applications before posting yours done

tag partner: (tekken)

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