Mar 13, 2007 22:01
schizophrenia /schizo·phre·nia/ (skit?so-fren´e-ah) (-fre´ne-ah) a mental disorder or group of disorders characterized by disturbances in the form and content of thought (e.g., delusions, hallucinations), in mood (e.g., inappropriate affect), in sense of self and relationship to the external world (e.g., loss of ego boundaries, withdrawal), and in behavior (e.g., bizarre or apparently purposeless behavior); it must cause marked decrease in functioning and be present for at least six months.schizophren´ic
Apparently I don't fit the bill to be considered schizophrenic. It's not something that you can pee in a bottle and test with a piece of litmus paper. You have to meet certain criteria first. Let's look at them;
Delusions - false beliefs or thoughts with no basis in reality
Hallucinations - hearing, seeing, or feeling things that are not there
Disordered thinking - thoughts "jump" between completely unrelated topics (the person may talk nonsense)
Catatonic behavior - bizarre motor behavior marked by a decrease in reactivity to the environment, or hyperactivity that is unrelated to stimulus
Flat affect - an appearance or mood that shows no emotion
Delusions... check
Hallucinations... check
Disordered thinking... sometimes (half-check)
Catatonic Behavior... not yet
Flat Affect... sometimes (half-check)
So two out of five for sure and another two sometimes. The doctors all agree that I am not Schizophrenic but am suffering from some kind of personality or mood disorder. Turns out I'm going to need to take some psychological tests to figure out what. Maybe I'm just fed up with my old personality and want to create a new one.
I'm taking anti-depressants and an anti-psychotic as well. They seem to be working as I have had any hallucinations for about a week now. My mouth is dry as hell and when I wake up in the morning my mouth feels like sandpaper... but no more bugs crawling out of people's ears and nose. Small price to pay for sanity I guess.
So I'll keep you up to date with the diagnoses as they roll in.