Sep 26, 2006 02:53
Well, I did go to Raven 13 again, but eventually Emily and I settled on going elsewhere for coffee. There was so much that happened this week- on Friday I found out that by some freak chance I landed the part of Jack (Jamie, I suspect you and I will have to drill lines with each other every spare moment we have, because my God, we have a lot of lines). I hope I live up to whatever expectations this creates for me. And today, less surprisingly, I found out that I'm Student Body Rep now. Lead roles and leadership roles are appearing all over the place... clearly this is a sign that I shouldn't shy away from a career in politics, if only politics weren't, well, politics.
I want to spend my life with my writing, my art, people I care about. I also want to make a difference in the grand scheme of things, but my soul can't dwell in that task. As much as I'm excited about all these tasks I've been taking on, and as much as I like to lose my self, ignoring my private life or dancing around the more painful aspects of it, I believe that I should work on doing otherwise. But for now, I'm still busy. Soccer tryouts were today at last.
There is so much more to say about everything, but it can't be put into words.