More government money?

Aug 26, 2013 23:15

That's right. We are never going to have to work again! Sort of. So, as you may know, Forrest is considered unemployable by the VA, which means he gets about $3000 a month in disability money. A while back he found out about a caregiver program they offer that pays a family member to be a caregiver to a disabled veteran. We're almost done with the application process and it looks like I will be getting $1100-1200 a month for being his caregiver. I'm thrilled that I'll be getting paid for putting up with his stupid bullshit, because boy, is it rough sometimes. Lessening our overall financial stress should go a long way in reducing his anxiety. And, as a joke, Forrest suggested I start saving for a boob job, since mine will essentially be disappointing after I'm done pumping. (Which is true. They used to be awesomely perfect, but pregnancies and pumping have made them sad.) And I agreed that that would actually be justified, since it would contribute to taking care of him and keeping him happy. So that may actually happen sometime in the next couple of years, which is kind of exciting.

In the meantime, I have to get my family into a decent routine now that little Miranda is here. Forrest has a 7 day elk hunting trip in about two and a half weeks. I'll be taking all the kids to drop Audrey off at school, and I may have to take the all out to run errands and do the grouchy shopping. I know I can handle it, I just don't want to. And of course, I'll have to start exercising at some point, and Vivienne wants to start potty training. None of which will be easy while I'm pumping.

via ljapp

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