something lighthearted

May 02, 2011 08:14

so i'm playing scribblenauts for the DS, a relatively innovative game (if you're from 2009). it's a sidescroller where each mini-level has a different problem which you solve by writing the name of objects and then using them. so you might have a baby at one end of a level and its parents at the other end, with a fearsome lion inbetween the two, you'll have to bring the baby to the parents without harming the lion.

that would be solved by donning a pair of wings and roping the baby to yourself and flying over the lion like every other level gets solved

alright, so i've gotten to the final level, and i'm just in this big box with the three creators of the game standing next to me, the only hint the game gives me being 'WRITE THE ANSWER!'. obviously all i did was find new and interesting ways to kill said creators-for causing me endless irritation and because one of them won't stop fucking dancing.

surprisingly enough that makes me fail the stage. i try again a couple of days later, and guess what it wants me to write to solve that level-

'the answer'



random stuff

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