Oct 10, 2012 12:30
I got the computer! Have a few days off from work, and the kids are at school. Between work and the kids needing the computer for school (or my son leveling to 90 now that WoW HAD to release an expansion pack -.-), I can finally post and write reviews for all the wonderful stories I have been keeping up with via the Iphone...I really hate going on the internet with that thing. My kids always knew when I would try to log on (cussing could be heard reverberating off the walls, lol). I don't know how people navigate that thing so easily. Every time I tried to log on I would reload the page (hence the cussing =D). So leaving comments was out of the question, tho I am sure they would have been interesting. BUT! For a few moments, I have the power! So I am listening to my new favorite song 'Payphone' by Maroon 5. It fits so well with reading VF stories (especially as I reread eprime's In the Devil's Teeth--btw, hope you had a wonderful bday, along with ptw30! And I know I am forgetting someone else >.>). Well, I am going to go back to reading on a screen that is easy to see and navigate before the kids come back. At which point, if you hear the echoes of cussing in the wind, that will be me on the Iphone once again -.-