Title: The Seigaku Inn
Author: vfic83
Rating: G
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Prince of Tennis Crossover
Pairings: Gen
Length: 135 words
Disclaimer: The only thing that belongs to me is this idea. Unfortunately. I don't really want to claim even that much. XD
Spoilers: None
Summary: Ed and Al stumble on an inn...
Warnings: Ahhh... none?
A/N: Originally written for
ai_ling on
drabble_trade here, though this is the version I wrote before I had to cut it down to 100 words.
Al glanced around at the empty, unfamiliar landscape and sighed. His footsteps fell heavily onto the ground, his armor rattling loudly as he walked.
"We're lost," he pointed out.
"WE ARE NOT LOST!" Ed flailed. "I know exactly where we're going!"
Al sighed again. He was tired and dusty and he just wanted to lie in a warm bed for a few hours. That's all. Unfortunately, it looked as if they'd be sleeping outside. Again.
The inn was a welcome surprise. The brothers ran to it gleefully and booked a room with the energetic red head at the counter, and then sat in the common room to listen to the local gossip from the owner with a soft voice and a constant smile on his face.
Little did they know, none of their lives would ever be the same again.