Title: Malevolence
vfic83Rating: PG
Fandom: Hikaru No Go
Pairings: None (*gasp* It's gen!)
Length: 100 words
Disclaimer: Hikaru No Go isn't mine, and I don't make any money from this.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Kuwabara wins, and Ogata plots.
Warnings: None.
A/N: Another ill thought out chat drabble produced from
blind_gochat. The prompt for this one was given to me by
caitlyn_chan, the prompt being malevolence.
"Too bad, Ogata-kun," Kuwabara chuckled teasingly. They started clearing the board, each putting stones in their respective goke. "You're not taking Honinbou away from me. When will you learn?"
Ogata scowled. He wondered how long Kuwabara thought he could rely on mind games and tricks to keep his precious title. It had worked so far, and even this game, a tiny phrase of the old man's had come back to haunt his mind during the game. One of these days... he'd get that title. Even if he had to pry it from the old monkey's cold dead hands to do it.