Mar 03, 2007 13:16
I've been sick still. The cough is hell and I'm still throwing up, food is not staying down. (Zoe has been kicking and pushing on my stomach A LOT!) I'm glad she's feeling better though, I'm still trying!
I'm starting to think she's going to be late. I've had cramps lately, but not as sharp or as often as the earlier contractions were before I got sick. I hope things haven't stopped... even though I feel weak right now, I still want her out! There is no way I'm going to make it another 2 weeks! OH HELL NO!!!!
What's Happening with Your Body? 40 weeks!
You're not OVER-due for another two weeks. It's hard to wait, isn't it? Your labor may be induced if your care provider feels the fetus is in danger or is getting too large. Some people suggest the following ways to induce labor naturally:
* Black and blue cohash
* Raspberry tea
* Castor oil
* Nipple stimulation
* Intercourse
Check with your care provider before trying ANY of these methods!
Spend this time relaxing, playing with your partner, and maybe catching up on your reading or movie watching. Once the baby has arrived, she will be your total focus for quite some time. This is also a great time to do a little research on parenting.