Feb 24, 2007 14:28
Thats right, 39 weeks tomorrow! ...but what does it really mean?
Use this time to rest, prepare for baby, and consider the future. Long slow walks may help to bring on labor.
Use this time to rest, prepare for baby, and consider the future. Long slow walks may help to bring on labor.
Many women lose their mucus plug a week or two before delivery (though for others it doesn't happen until right before delivery). If the mucus is pink or streaked with blood, it is known as the "bloody show" and usually means labor will begin within the next day.
What's Happening with Your Body?
You may feel more fatigue or increased energy. Both are normal. With that heavy baby lodged deep in your pelvis, you may be running to the bathroom every two minutes! Notify your care provider immediately if you pass amniotic fluid!
What's Happening with Your Baby?
Birth could happen at any time. The baby's bowels are filled with meconium, a black, tarry substance which will become baby's first bowel movement.
Don't forget Dad! You may be overwhelmed with what you (and that baby) are about to do you may unwittingly leave Dad out. Try to keep him involved in the excitement. Send him "Ode to the New Father" to set the mood, and consider buying him the right book.
Yep I'm still having Braxton Hicks Contractions. As of Wens. I have dilated to 1 cm, but my cervix has softened extremely to some degree or another. I don't understand all the doctor babble I get sometimes. Whatever it was, its a good thing and means my baby and body are doing quite a bit of work even though this is feeling like it is taking forever!!!
I think daddy is finally getting nervous, and he doesn't really know how to feel right now. He's been sick but feeling and doing much better today finally. I'm just as excited about baby coming as I am to see his face and reaction when she comes. Truely, I have no idea how he is going to react to all this in the end. Will I get to see tears of joy from the man who NEVER gets emotional? We will see!!!
By the way... still taking bets on the day she comes and her weight! hehehehehe