Up Dates and Obsessions

May 25, 2009 20:36

  So long time no post... I need to be better about this whole blogging thing. Kinda pointless if you don't actually post more often than once a blue moon. My only excuse is that when I sign in to LJ I first have to check on all my friends blogs... then all the different communities I'm part of. Then of course there is always an abundance of fanfiction to catch up on for all my many fandoms, pairings etc. So I have plenty of possible distractions to my blogging.

So on to the latest in my life,,, since I would say my life is defined by my passions I should prolly talk about my latest obsessions. 
  I went to see the new Star Trek movie about a week, maybe a week and a half ago, and fell in love!!! I can not express how awesome this film was!! Apparently I am a die-hard trekkie at heart... unbeknownst to me. I mean I honestly thought I had outgrown that whole thing. I went through this whole Star Trek thing at about 10-13 that was VERY intense... Like "my-life's-goal-is-to-grow-up-and-marry-spock" intense. It was a little scary. So then I moved on from there to Star Wars, exchanging Spock for Luke Skywalker. Then at about 16, I left my  intense Sci Fi phase behind and moved on to other passions... (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly series and the Matrix being among them so I didn't entirely abandon the science fiction world)
  And in the recent year I have moved from and intense die-hard passion for "The Dark Knight" (From about June to November) to a lesser passion for Watchmen (Deep thought movie) and then for a few months I didn't have an obsession. A little strange for me.
  But here I am in the throes of an obsession once again. It concerns Start Trek, everything from the The Original Series, to the Movies (Which I'm trying desperately to get my hands on) to the New film. And I must confess to a bit of an unhealthy appreciation of Zachary Quinto (Spock) and Chris Pine (Kirk). They are both quite handsome pieces of Man Flesh and are those men Smart or what? I have been watching their interviews with the press and both those boys are wielding the deadly triad of attraction: Intelligence, Humor, and Physical Allure. They are SO sexy. Now... If we could just get them together to fulfill my little Kirk/Spock shipper's dreams I could die a happy woman. LOL

On another note, Robin and I leave this weekend for New York for the Summer. My parents will drive us to the airport at 4 am Sunday morning for plane departure at 6 am. We will be staying in Brooklyn for the sUmmer... There is so much to get done before then. We need to meet with our financial aid people, get things packed, and prep. I am SO excited! I already have a list of over 60 things I MUST do while in NYC. Museums, Galleries, and historic sites, I'm looking forward to it excitedly.

On a Third note, the Author Wally Lamb is a freaking fantastic!!!! I have read two of his books in the last few weeks. The first one "She's Come Undone" is heartbreakingly beautiful! I cried, no lie. It was moving, realistic, honest about the brutally about life, but ultimately in the end optimistic about the positive effects we can choose to have on those around us and on our own lives. I cried at the ending it was so perfect.
 The second one "This Much I Know is True" I almost identified with more. Its the store of a pair of twin brothers, one of whom suffers from severe schizophrenia, while the elder cares for the mentally impaired one. Life pretty much goes to hell in a hand basket and though things get incredibly dark in the book, Lamb still manages to bring it ti a place of hope. His perspective overall seems to be that thought life sucks, and you can't make everything better, you can make small differences in the lives of others and that help can come from the most unexpected places.
 I would highly recommend these books to anyone who likes to read... and if anyone who doesn't read is looking for a decent read, I would still recommend them.

sci fi, star trek, movies, obsessions, wally lamb, books

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