So I just saw the new movie the Watchmen... I really enjoyed it. I knew after seeing the preview this summer that I had to see this movie. So, like my normal obsessive self I research it extensively online, wikipedia'd the shit out of it. I was also waiting to get the graphic novel from a friend so I could read it but didn't get it before the movie came out. So I knew all the characters and most of what was going to happen before going to see the movie. However, it still surprised and delighted me to no end!
Great points -
+ The entire intro scene was amazing! Interspersing the credits with snapshots from the alternate history timeline of this 'verse was a great way to introduce us to this world without being boring or slow.
+ Oh my God... how much do I love to re-do of the "Kiss" scene from the victory celebrations for the end of World War II in New York?
In the original snap shot, that became a historic symbol of how people felt at that time, a sailor walks up and grabs a nurse and kisses her in the middle of Times Square. The original photographer never got the names of the people in their photo, but the picture became quite famous.
So in Watchmen, the female character known as Silhouette is a lesbian. She's pretty awesome for the like 10 total combined min she is on screen. But she
re-enacts this kiss scene... strolling confidently up to the nurse and bending her back to kiss her. It was amazing!
God, she is so hot!