how's Adam doing?

Oct 27, 2006 00:55


i suppose life is okay. it's as okay as it's going to be around here these days, anyways. i've had things going on that keep me busy. i've established new routines this year, which is a good thing.

the beginning of the week is always busy, since i have my classes. well...class, as it is right now. we just had our last Methods class the other day, so my monday nights are free again. this gives me more time to prepare for my Human Learning class on Wednesdays.

i like that class, especially since fellow SMR teacher Valentina is in there. she's become a buddy lately. we sit next to each other in class, and after class i join her and her roommate Stacey at Applebee's for a drink and appetizers. we're all teachers, and so we talk about teaching pretty much the entire time. i have a hard time envisioning myself become "close" to these people, but they're good people to talk to and hang with, and it's good times.

and on Thursday nights, of course, I go to Gloria and Mike's place for TV night, which is always fun. Mike had me cracking up tonight. he and Gloria bought all this Halloween stuff, including various flavors of Halloween Pop (by Jones sodas). one of the flavors was "Candy Corn Soda" which...sounded disgusting. but when Mike challenged me to a "Candy Corn Soda Drinking Contest", the concept sounded so hilariously ridiculous to me, i could NOT stop laughing! and thus, i HAD to accept the challenge. i lost horribly. and that drink was awful. now i never have to drink it again.

the weekends i'm always doing something. tomorrow, i go home. next week, BNL concert with Omar. hooray! after that, who knows? i'm supposed to see philmach sometime in the near future, i -do- know that much.

our first hockey practice is on Sunday, which means I'll be rushing back to take part in it. we'll be practicing every Sunday and Thursday (though it's early enough that it won't get in the way of TV night. whew!), so that will also keep me quite busy in the coming weeks. also, the Pens are doing well, so i've been pleased with that. though i'm still mad that they were -terrible- when Ann and I went to see them a couple weeks ago.

another good thing is that i talk to Mike on the phone about once a week. our conversations are unmatched. we actually discovered something about the way we talk to each other, and the way other people tend to talk, and...well, we had a good discussion on the matter. i'll elaborate later. i have other entries i want to write that i'll get to later as well. for now, it's almost bed time.

yeah, i guess i'm doing all right. nothing fantastic, i've been happier, of course, but...meh. doin' all right. *shrug*
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