May 03, 2006 20:51
okay, so i was on a bit of a hiatus there. i had hidden myself from the internet world while i was reading all the Harry Potter books. though these books had been on my "to read" list for some time now, i still wasn't expecting to get to them until maybe later this year. but when i was home over break, i discovered all six of them sitting on the bottom shelf of the bookcase behind our living room love seat, hiding in the shadows. since i was between books, i decided..."hell, why not?" i read the first 2 while i was still home, and was partway through the third when it was time to come back here. so i just took the rest back with me, shut myself out every night and all this past weekend, and read and read until...well, about 6:45 earlier tonight, when i finially finished book 6. and now that i'm done with that, i shall resume my normal internet routine, including lj and AIM. are some interesting tidbits about the past week that didn't have much to do with Harry Potter.
1) on Friday morning, i forgot to set my alarm. i woke up late for work, but i was fortunate that it fell on a day where i didn't have to teach until almost 11 o' clock, so nobody noticed when i strolled in at 8:17. also helping that morning was that it was a Tag Day, thus speeding the getting dressed process.
2) having finished book 5 around 4:30 on Monday morning, i went through a day of work on about 2 hours of sleep. i came back here, began book 6, got through the first chapter, then fell asleep. i awoke at 7:12, and confused and concerned about the Friday morning lately, i got up quickly and started getting ready for took about a minute or so for me to realize that it was actually 7:12pm, and i could sleep some more if wanted to. but the scare was enough to keep me awake for the rest of the evening. so i made tacos.
3) during Monday's faculty meeting, they had us new teachers do the "two truths and a lie" game. here's what i put...
-the longest i've ever driven in one sitting is 16 hours
-i went to school in one Miami, and lived in another
-i'm Italian.
everybody was convinced that the lie was "i'm Italian." heh. fooled them, i fact, the lie is the first one. it's 14 hours, not 16. got them all on a technicality. mwahahaha!
4) i had a breakthrough in my hopes of writing a silly song. it may or may not include the Cinnamon Roll lyrics, we'll see how it develops. i might have something done this weekend, but at the same time, don't expect anything. i need to reserve a good portion of this weekend writing finals.
anyways...that's about it, except for the next part.
*smacks head*