So apparently I haven't updated for a month. Not surprising, but... I don't know. Anyway, here are some things about Books-A-Million. In the family of book sellers, BAM is like the always-slightly-drunk conservative uncle. While Barnes & Noble is liberal and inclusive, BAM kind of stumbles around and has no problem telling you exactly what he thinks of people like you. There are countless copies of books by the shrieking heads of Fox News and talk radio, but newer books by the likes of James Carville and other liberal equivalents have few or no copies. They carry a series called "The Politically Incorrect Guide to...," which are truthiness incarnate, detailing how American, nay, world, history agrees with modern conservative values. There are still copies of the book attacking John Kerry from 2004. They cost three dollars, but they are presumably still in the store under the idea that somebody is going to buy them. Books on homosexuality are filed under "Social Sciences/Lifestyles." One gets the sense that all the Obama-related merchandise is carried out of obligation. Of the company's 200+ stores, 90% are in the south and the farthest north and west they go is Ohio. It's like if the Republican party was a book store.
But I didn't set to make this a political thing so much as it is a weird stuff thing. It's just... Well, there's much to disagree with. But here is some weird stuff from around the store:
In case you needed proof the Garfield merchandising thing has gone too far.
A very different, and yet entirely more interesting sounding children's series.
I am totally dressing up as Santa for Halloween this year.
This one was a bit hard to see, so I MSPainted it up a bit.
Well alright then.
And that's leaving out all (well, all but one) of the book-related weirdness, like "Noire Thong on Fire" (from the bestselling author of Thugalicious), the disturbing amount of religious texts aimed at women, and about five different authors writing romance books set in the Scottish highlands.
The other job is not nearly as interesting.