Today when I was walking Lisa to class, I bore witness to one of those odd, sad, yet humorous-when-viewed-with-some-degree-of-removal moments we've come to expect from such cinematic auteurs as Wes Anderson. A rugged professor with a khaki fedora and a beat-up leather bomber jacket who clearly had Indiana Jones fantasies was walking out the door just as we were walking in. Trailing slightly behind him and staring up at him with unmitigated adoration and earnest, loving eyes was a young Asian student with owlish glasses and the fashion sense of a third grader. I only caught one sentence from the professor's mouth, and it was this: "So," he trilled breezily, "I actually gave you a zero on that assignment." They walked past us before I heard anything else, but I saw the kid's face just fall, a stark contrast to the cheery ambivalence of the professor.
THEN, after I dropped off my lady, I parked the car behind the large food court/shopping center on the campus. I stepped out to pay the meter and found myself in the direct line of sight of two 19 yr olds sitting indian style on the sidewalk about four feet away from me. The girl was non-descript pretty, and the boy was greasy, long-haired, and unfortunately acne-pocked. And he was crying profusely. I caught one sentence from her: "I just don't think I can be with someone who doesn't have a plan." And then one from him: "I can't do (inaudible) while you're here at school!" before he collapsed into inconsolable sobs. She seemed unaffected and possibly amused, he seemed maudlin and devastated.
What a strange succession of events. They both occured about three minutes apart, and if a third had occured shortly thereafter, I would have referenced "Zucker Abrahams Zucker" instead of "Wes Anderson". It was getting ridiculous. I was half expecting to turn a corner and see a bunch of people standing around in a circle, shaking their heads slowly and murmuring remembrances of their beloved, deceased family dog.