Mar 16, 2005 22:25
Cheers! Long time, no update. So here goes. I miss Lisa terribly, I'm broke, and I'm frantic for a job. BUT:
On Monday, I interviewed with a company called Atlas Media and was fortunate and charming enough to land myself a little internship. Hooray! My career begins.
(Sidenote: How mid 90's can you get...I'm listening to Elastica. Next step is the Trainspotting soundtrack and if I feel like really devolving, Bush. The horrible band, not the horrible president. )
Anyway, after the interview, which was pretty unremarkable and not really worth taking the time to describe, but pleasant nonetheless, I called a few people to report my success and attempted hopping on the F train to get home. Ahh, but these efforts were to be thwarted. Ask Lisa about all my travel difficulties in the recent past so you can fully understand my frustration. I'm not going to take the time to describe the bus trip that's times were misrepresented, and then the bus that wouldn't start, and then....oh, well, don't bother asking her, it looks like I just told you myself.
Anyway the F train wasn't running because of some passenger who got sick on it and fucked up mass transit for the rest of us. So I had to take the V all the way down to the LES, a location so close to Brooklyn that a cab ride usually costs about eight bucks. I figured, what the hell. Sure beats waiting around in the Penn Station subway station for an hour or more. I hailed a cab on the LES and the guy was a really chatty Jamaican who didn't know the way to Park Slope. This also happened to me the last time I came back to NYC. Luckily by now I know how to give directions back to Bklyn despite my lack of a car. So there we are, talking about roller skating rinks and how fun they are, as we are crossing the Manhattan Bridge (helluva view) when a GIANT, REDWOOD TREE-SIZED MUFFLER WITH PIPE ATTACHED flies up towards our car!!
The cabbie swerved, thank god, but the muffler got caught under the wheel of the car and the poor car emitted a horrible noise. He slowed down and stopped, and mind you there ain't no pullin' over on the Manhattan Bridge. So he's holding up one lane of traffic on this very busy bridge, and he's so brave...he gets out of the car, traffic whizzing by him on his side, and inspects the damage. He gets back in the car and informs me we've got a flat and proceeds to ensure me that I won't be charged for this trip and he'll just drop me off on the other side of the bridge in the middle of Bklyn. I mean, he was really nice about it. He was very worried that I was upset or freaking out, when it was his
cab that sustained the damage, and his hassle. But still, I was dropped off in the middle of Bklyn and try getting a goddamn cab in Bklyn sometime if you feel like pushing a giant stone up a hill for eternity in Hades was too easy a task for you.
After half an hour of attempting to hail a cab and walking all the way to Bklyn Heights, I finally got one and we were close enough to Park Slope that the fare should've been six bucks max. But he took some weird route and it ended up costing me way more than that. Several years later, my leg hair was long enough to weave into a cloak and I was reaching menopause, and only THEN did we pull up to the apartment.
Anyway the next day I started the internship and I must say, but for a weird borderline sexual harrassment moment and the busywork I had to do at the beginning of the day, I enjoyed it. I got to work in post production logging footage of security guards for a show called Breaking Vegas that airs on the history channel. It was fun work and I believe I learned something useful.
I'll keep you all updated on the internship as I go along. Right now I'm applying for other part time work so's I can pay the bills and keep myself blingin'.