Wow, Finally an entry. I can't believe it! And more will follow ;-)
Comment to this entry and I'll give you a letter. List ten things that you love that begin with that letter and then post that list on your livejournal.
Thanks to luthienberen who gave me the letter S :-D
1) Star wars This was the first thing that really really caught me even though I still was too young to understand it as I first watched it. The first movie from this incredible awesome series I watched was A new hope and I still remember how amazed I was by Luke Skywalker. He was my hero :-P And well as you see Star Wars still got me. I love it's philosophy and it's like my own personal universe...and since there is an EU it also never ends. Perfect!
2)Solo, Colonel Well that's my personal Sith Lord *bows* and I swear even if everyone in the Galaxy would leave him (like they actually did *grr*) I'd still stand on his side. Believe me if it went my way...he'd still be alive and rule the galaxy and make it peaceful. I have my own personal theory for him. And I say that the jedi were truly blind concerning Caedus. So blind! I was always a jedi lover but this was stupid, it even made me turn against my personal hero Luke :-P
3) Songs Yes I love music..I listen to it all day and everywhere. It's like the essence of life for me. I can't imagine what we would do without songs. I especially love deep songs..songs that describes the shades of characters and songs that makes you thinks. I absolutely love "viva la vida" It's like perfect for me, because I love kings and it gives you an insight to their feelings
4) Slide Shows I love to make slide shows on youtube about the Star wars EU. It's so amazing to make the pictures flow to the music and the beat and the lyrics and to express my feelings through this. I already uploaded a lot of those on youtube ( I also like to imagine the story of my favourite characters to the music.
5) Soccer I shouldn't even start to explain how much I love this. This would be a never ending book. It's just so amazing and the emotions are incredible...
Still debating about the last five... This was a difficult Letter luthienberen ;-)
And I still not completely understood livejournal...