Book Premiere

Oct 19, 2010 18:08

As I told you I took part in a book called "Die Staufer sind zurück" which means "The Staufers are back!" in english. The Staufers were a very strong dynasty in medieval Germany which ruled from 1125 to ca. 1254 and over a big realm. This year it was the motto year of this dynasty so the Manuela-Kinzel publishing company in Baden-Württemberg decided to publish a novel with stories about the Staufer and collected them from all over the country. I couldn't resist and also wrote my own and they took it!
So tomorrow is the Book premier I will travel to and also read something out of my story, so I will be away for two days. I hope you allow me to use this space to promote this book a bit ;-)

This is the cover:

The presentation takes place in Lorch a town in Baden-Württemberg and you can view more information here : Die Staufer sind zurück!

My story is called "Das geschliffene Schwert" in english: "The smoothed Sword" and it's telling the story of Philip of Swabia, the king who was murdered and fought his whole reign against Otto, the later Emperor Otto IV. It is said that Philip never wanted to take the throne and only took it because his brother died too early and he had to keep the throne for his young nephew. He had not an easy job as a king and that is what I wanted to show. Many people think that being a king is easy. It actually isn't. Kings are said to be tyranns by people who don't even know what it feels like to carry such a heavy burden. Only less people see the person behind the kings. I wanted to portray this.
For anyone who is interested I have a little preview in german and also translated under the cut. It's about the coronation.

Here the english version...I tried my best with the translator and edited it also a bit...I hope it is readable:

The coronation as a whole was not as glorious as it could have been and still worthy of a king. Philip of Swabia crossed the aisle of the spacious church together with the Archbishop of Burgundy. His red cloak dragged on the marble floor beneath him, fastened only by a gold chain that ran over his shoulders. His blue silk tunic fell over his upper body and was held by a strong belt. Philip felt like all eyes weighted on him constantly. At once the church seemed to be oppressive closely.
His wife Mary was in the front row and gave him an encouraging glance. Part of the pressure began to relax for a little moment. Then Philip went to the altar. He had the anointing to endure without actually realising it. It almost seemed as if he could feel nothing at all. The ceremony lasted almost into infinity. When Philip knelt down to speak the loyalty oath, he managed to speak calm, though he shuddered inwardly. The oath called for a sacrifice and a high sense of duty. He did not know whether he could handle this. Henry should still be king.
Finally, the archbishop handed him the insignia of his brother and of all the kings before him. The mantle fell upon his own and loaded an extra burden on his tense shoulders. The golden scepter lay heavy in his hand and almost threatened to draw him down. Philipp gritted his teeth. He had to maintain posture. Next, he received the sword. The gleaming silver blade left a painful stinging in his eyes. Last Philipp lowered his head. His hair fell forward and then he suddenly felt an another pressure on his head. The crown.
Philip took a deep breath. He had thought he would sink under all this pressure weighing on him now. He had believed it would kill him. Instead, it felt as if it would float and all the brightness of the insignia would shine down on him.
Only when Philip with all his weight turned to the Lords and noticed how one after another fell down on his knees, he felt like the air around him had suddenly become thinner. It was more difficult to breathe.

Here is the original german version:

Die Krönung in ihrer Gesamtheit war nicht so prächtig, wie sie hätte sein können und doch eines Königs würdig. Philipp von Schwaben durchschritt zusammen mit dem burgundischen Erzbischof den Mittelgang der großräumigen Kirche. Sein roter Umhang schleifte über den Marmorboden unter ihm, befestigt nur durch eine Goldkette, die über seine Schultern lief. Seine seidenblaue Tunika fiel über seinen Oberkörper und wurde durch einen starken Gürtel gehalten. Philipp spürte wie alle Blicke beständig auf ihm lasteten. In der Kirche schien es auf einmal drückend eng zu sein.
In der vordersten Reihe stand seine Gemahlin Maria und warf ihm einen ermutigenden Blick zu. Ein Teil des Druckes begann sich augenblicklich ein wenig zu lockern. Dann trat Philipp vor den Altar. Er ließ die Salbung über sich ergehen ohne sie richtig wahrzunehmen. Fast schien es, als könnte er überhaupt nichts mehr fühlen. Die Zeremonie zog sich ins schier Unendliche. Als Philipp sich niederkniete um den Treueschwur zu sprechen, schaffte er es geradeso ruhig zu sprechen, obwohl er innerlich erschauderte. Der Schwur forderte ein hohes Opfer und viel Pflichtbewusstsein. Er wusste nicht ob er das aufbringen konnte. Heinrich sollte noch König sein.
Schließlich übergab ihm der Erzbischof die Reichsinsignien seines Bruders und die aller Könige vor ihm. Der Mantel legte sich über seinen eigenen und lud eine zusätzliche Last auf seine angespannten Schultern. Das goldene Zepter legte sich schwer in seine Hand und drohte sie fast nach unten zu ziehen. Philipp biss die Zähne zusammen. Er musste Haltung bewahren. Als nächstes nahm er das Schwert entgegen. Die strahlend silberne Klinge hinterließ ein schmerzhaftes Stechen in seinen Augen. Zuletzt senkte Philipp den Kopf. Seine Haare fielen nach vorne und dann spürte er plötzlich einen weiteren Druck auf seinem Kopf. Die Krone.
Philipp holte tief Luft. Er hatte geglaubt er würde versinken unter all dem Druck, der nun auf ihm lastete. Hatte geglaubt er würde ihn umbringen. Doch stattdessen fühlte es sich an als würde er schweben und all der Glanz der Insignien würde auf ihn herabstrahlen.
Erst als Philipp sich mit all seiner Last zu den Fürsten umdrehte und sah wie diese nacheinander auf die Knie fielen, spürte er wie die Luft um ihn herum auf einmal dünner geworden war. Es fiel ihm schwerer zu atmen.

If you are interested click on the Link above. Sadly it is only available in german :-(

writing, medieval

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