Back to the Office Originally uploaded by
Vettha. I'm having that inevitable oh-shit moment that comes in any big transition.
Today I'm seriously considering the possibility that changing jobs WAS, in point of fact, a horrible mistake.
I still know all the reasons I'm doing this. And I know that this freak-out is really just about being a fish out of water and not knowing what I'm supposed to be doing or how long it will take to acclimate and not having worked out my eating schedule or made sure I have something other than the coffee service to drink during the day.
(I'm a lightweight... And drinking this much coffee each day may very well cause a catastrophic combination of nervousness and Hup that could make me a danger to not just myself.)
I miss my kids.
I hate that Karen's not actually being AT the job I took in part to be able to work with her....
(She says she's done letting the pain get the better of her and will be going back to work tomorrow, but I'm still worried.)
It'll get better.... just not the best day.