
Dec 23, 2010 18:05

Player Information
Name: Kate
Timezone: PST until after the new year, then EST
Personal Journal: pedotastic
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: dolecup
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: N/A
How did you hear about us?: Leafy and Mozart........

Character Information
Name: Roderich Edelstein
Canon Origin/Series: Axis Powers Hetalia

School Year: 6th
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Out of school living location: A very classy townhouse in Vienna, Austria, although they also have a rather large mansion home in the countryside, and a chalet for winter sports.
Blood status: Pureblood. As pure as it gets.

Personality: Composed, patient, and very much a gentleman, Roderich is the very definition of aristocratic refinement. He carries himself with an aloof air, almost to the point where people might see him as being elitist; and in some ways, he is. He has little patience for people he considers "uncultured" (he's looking at you, Gilbert) and can often be found espousing the genius of classical composers or "self improving" via music. He's calm, almost to the point of it being a bad thing--he's not really a morning person, and tends to drift through the early hours in a slight stupor, doing things like missing the cup when pouring tea, or letting the plates fall off of the tray. He's also surprisingly optimistic, preferring to see the beauty in things rather than anything negative. He gives precedence to his hobbies above all else (he has no time for your silly politics) and his wealthy lifestyle allows him to do this.

Although not necessarily the most social or talkative of people, Roderich has excellent manners and is every bit the gentleman he appears to be. Chivalry is indeed not dead in his eyes, and his family has trained him well in the old world ways. In fact, he's got some pretty outdated ideas of how people should and shouldn't behave, although he's not really the type of person to go around enforcing or espousing them. He makes it no secret though that he prefers women to be ladies and men to be gentlemen, and that the middle and lower classes have their place in the world.

He's rather emotionally stunted because of his upbringing, however, and he doesn't understand the concept of being good friends with someone or how romance really works. Girls elude him, partially because he'd rather play piano than try to figure them out, and he watches them with slight awe. He doesn't really get how they work, but he knows his mother runs their estate and that's enough to make him respectful of women as a whole. That said, he does understand courtship, and while he hasn't exactly had a lot (or really any) experience with actual dating, he does have some idea of how one goes about it. Or, rather, how one would have wooed a lady into looking kindly on an arranged marriage, rather than going into it with disdain.

Canon Background: Simply put, Austria is portrayed as having once been a powerful nation who (in APH's timeline, so: during WWII) currently mooches off Germany instead of making anything of himself. In his past he raised and took care of the Holy Roman Empire for most of his life, and Hungary and N. Italy lived in his house as 'maids'. He had a rather tense rivalry with Prussia, particularly after he and Switzerland ceased being friends and Austria had to look after himself. He marries Hungary at some point, and despite their marriage ending they remain close friends (even possibly a couple). During APH canon, he lives in Germany's house, usually playing piano or cooking, something that Germany finds sort of annoying (as Austria does very little to earn his keep).

Background (AU!Canon; HP):

How would your character fit in to each House?
Gryffindor: Roderich is not a coward by any stretch of the imagination. Although he used to be, when he was a young child, he grew into his own and stands up for himself when necessary. He's proud of his heritage, and surprisingly protective of his family and the people he cares about. Multitalented, he enjoys the attention he gets for his music in particular, although he plays mainly for his own enjoyment.

Hufflepuff: Roderich prefers to remain neutral in a fight (unless Gilbert is involved, in which case he will be on the complete opposite side of Gil's, no matter what). He doesn't believe the world is black and white in any way, nor does he believe people should be judged without fact. He's also rather domestic, enjoying cooking far more than his parents believe he should, but he's rather useless when it comes to cleaning.

Ravenclaw: For Roderich, learning and bettering oneself is the most important thing. He studies almost incessantly (at least, studies the things he enjoys incessantly) and it's not uncommon to see him reading a book about musical theory, or playing new music on an imaginary piano. He can be quite the know it all, and although he might not put in the effort in every class, he excels simply because he is intelligent, and even if he dislikes a class he'll still make a solid effort.

Slytherin: Although not necessarily ambitious (he doesn't need to be; his position as heir is already set in stone and his life mapped out for him) he can be quite competitive when provoked. He doesn't like to be wrong, and he does like to be the best when it comes to music. He can also be quite mean when provoked, and looks down on people he considers to be below him. He is quite the pureblood aristocrat and it shows. He might not tell you he thinks you're a plebeian, but he's certainly thinking it.

Sample Journal Entry: [No minimum here, but this is an opportunity to showcase your character's voice, so more than a line or two would be helpful.]

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: [200 word minimum]