@Tyma: I'll post the quotes when I can remember more than one of them.
All Naruto fans who read this LJ,
THIS FANFIC. Read it. Yes, it's a high school AU, but it's a super well-done one. Here's a taste of what's inside: Naruto's the new kid, Yondaime's his father, Sasuke's an emo, Gaara's a British goth, Kimimaro's a Rastafarian, Zabuza's a gangster, and Orochimaru is the chorus teacher. And that's just the surface. It deals with some pretty sensitive subjects, too. Yeah. Read it.
O.A. and Usagi-chan need to stop giving me plotbunnies. How awesome is all the people with one normal eye and one magical eye teaming up? Pegasus, Kakashi and Moody? That would be a heckuva crossover! Ooh - maybe Ragetti can join too! Seriously, though, stop that.
I also got deviantART to upload some of my pictures.
Checkitout checkitout..et cetera. So apparently I now kind of have a ginormous crush on
Coach Z. I blame
Gryphowizardgirl. Entirely.
The only reason the rest of this entry is not filled with whining about my (lack of) work and sleep habits is becuase I'm too lazy to write it.