
Nov 29, 2006 15:50

RENT was so awesome.

As I had feared, we got a short-haired Roger. However (and this is a big however), said short-haired Roger actually turned out to be BRITISH. Now, I'm hardly an expert, but it is my opinion that British!Roger could pretty much pwn every other Roger out there. Except, y'know, Adam Pascal. (Although his accent did make it hard to tell what he was saying sometimes.)

I can't give you any other detail becuase I am bad at that.

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

In September I set anigirl15's puppy on fire (-66 points). In February I helped lynxgriffin see the light (8 points). In April I pushed princess_meru in the mud (-17 points). Last week I caught a purse-snatcher who stole tymaporer's purse (30 points). Last Friday I gave birdboy2000 a Dutch Oven (-10 points).

Overall, I've been naughty (-55 points). For Christmas I deserve a lump of coal!


My LiveJournal SitcomBeing vethica (QVC, 10:30): vethica (Randy Travis) bites hoyvinglavin64 (Burt Reynolds). Soon afterwards, anigirl15 (Christian Bale) finds a jacket in bri_chan (David Arquette)'s sock drawer. The next day, birdboy2000 (Charisma Carpenter) hires alex_romao (Colin Farrell) to perform pantomime at a fish market. That night, kazekageshad (Christopher Lloyd) tries to seduce lynxgriffin (Grace Kelly) at a car dealership. Meanwhile, princess_meru (Colin Quinn) plays chess against iharthdarth (Holly Hunter), who doesn't know how. Parental discretion advised.What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by rfreebern)

Haha, I'm sorry, but the idea of Shad trying to seduce Lynx is just hilarious. However, I can actually see Meru and iharthdarth playing chess.

Also, The Bad Joke Generator. Input your own username and let the fun begin.

thoughts on, rent, meme

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