100 of My Fandoms
9. Back to the Future
This will probably be a relatively short post, because now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't participated much in the Back to the Future fandom. I'm not sure I've actually read any fic beyond that featuring my OTP. Actually, my OTP has been pretty much my impetus for any participation in the fandom at all. But we'll get to them in a minute.
For quite a while, all that I knew about BttF was the same things I assume everyone absorbs through popcultural osmosis: DeLorean, 88 miles per hour, flux capacitor, 1.21 jiggawatts, and all that. But as I didn't have any particular reason to watch it, it took me a very long time to actually do so. I don't remember exactly when it was that I first saw it, but I know it was on TV; it's one of those movies that I've only ever seen through TV showings. (And now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've ever seen the actual beginning of the movie; I seem to always catch it at least 15 minutes in. Occupational hazard, I suppose.) It was also probably summer, because that's the only time I do much TV watching. I'm going to put it at the summer before 10th grade, which feels about right. I had a lot of fandom feels in 10th grade.
If I hadn't started shipping in BttF, it would have kept on being just a movie that I liked, but didn't consider a fandom. Even in this very post, I tried to think of non-shippy things I squee about in it, but there really aren't any. It's just a decent, fluffy, pretty quotable movie which I quite enjoy. But at some point (during the school year, I believe) I began wondering if anyone shipped the pairing that would become my OTP. Just kind of idly, you know, like maybe there was one fic somewhere in the corner of the fandom. Yet when I checked on the internet, not only did I find people who shipped it, there was in fact a whole community of people who shipped it! And there was fic. So much beautiful fic. *___* So that's how I started participating in the BttF fandom basically overnight as a diehard fan of
OTP: George/Marty. Okay, if you do not like the incests you should probably turn around now. But we're talking about a movie with actual canonical incestuous attraction here, and besides, it's time travel incest, which is the best kind as they're the same age. Technically only one of them is related to the other yet! :D So yeah, um. George and Marty are really, really canon and really, really cute and I ship the bejeesus out of them.
drworm wrote an entry several years ago over in
ship_manifesto that sums up the pairing and reasons for shipping it far more eloquently than I ever could; read it
here. But if you want my version, the tl;dr is: my babies. My awkward, awkwardly close, ambiguously gay incestuous teenage babies. ♥
Recommended fanworks: Everything in the
Slash to the Future community on FFN, especially
drworm's own stuff. I'm not sure how many of the links at the end of the
ship_manifesto entry still work, but they're almost certainly worth a look too.
bttf_slash is basically dead now and mostly Doc/Marty, but I seem to recall some decent George/Marty in there too. Also, there used to be a FFN user named Nightspore (apparently
ghostgecko on LJ) who wrote some awesome George/Marty fic, but they've since vanished from the internet. If anyone by some ridiculously slim chance has saved any of their stuff and is reading this entry, please, please let me know. @_@