happier update

Oct 23, 2006 12:40

so it is totally not a downer to read it, shocker, I know!! Things in life are... interesting. No job yet, but have some good leads. I am having to re-energize in that area. was stuck in a rut of, " why even try, cause it will not work out anyway," blues. After so much rejection it is hard to get motivated to keep going. But am back on track with more upbeat spirits about things. Am considering going back to school ro get useful degree - probably something medical, cause it is good pay, and always needed, and can do it anywhere, and kinda fits me better than other areas.

Filled out an aplication to volunteer at an animal shelter down here. I NEED animal contact. This I have found out. That is my passion in life - animals in need. And no matter what i end up doing, I will have animal rescue as a part of my life. Also, I have a very strong urge to perform. So more acting will be in my future also, wokring on a few things currently, which cannot be discussed right, but can be later. Also, more modeling in the future as well, have a few more things lined up.

Going to the gym everyday - toning up nicely. Am happier with my body now than I have been in a long time, so that is very good. Still got lots to go, but happier than before.

things with Pat are good, even after a much dreaded "talk" happened last week. Went to his fraternity's holloween party, and were a big hit. Most have not seen his new look, so that was a fun shocker :)

Am going back to Barnes adn Noble to buy a book i saw earlier today that may help me alot. I have been struggling for years with low self-esteem and confidance issues. They have been up and down, but I have been on a down swing for some time now and hoping to bring that back up. This book is one step in that direction.

Attempting to stop whining, and take control of my life. Realizing that I CAN do this, and rebuilding from the ashes, hoping to soar again.
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